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Government Considering Stricter Outdoor Smoking Rules to Reduce Preventable Deaths

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12 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

I was taking your post incredibly seriously until you said " 3 points for a Tench"


Gi orrr....... should be at least 5.

How many points for a battered haddock?

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45 minutes ago, sheffbag said:

My Bold - There are 6.4 million smokers in the UK. Thats not a small minority 


Of these 6.4M the lowest number is actually the over 60s so your prediction that this will fall is going to take about 40 years given the highest number is the 25-34 age group


I'll take your case, so when you couldn't smoke in pubs and work anymore you decided to stop. that was your choice. You still had the choice to smoke outside in the open air  where your smoke was dispersed and not contained in a single place. You chose to stop.


My issue is that this is aimed purely at the hospitality industry. People can still smoke outside work, they can smoke in the street as people go past, to use your analogy of children mimicking adults i would guarantee that children see more adults smoking on the street, in parks, outside work then they would do outside a pub or a restuarant, would you not agree with that.


ive worked in hospitality for over 30 years and yes i used to stink of smoke when people were allowed to smoke in clubs and bars and that ban was a good thing as they were enclosed spaces and you did experience second hand smoke. Nowadays with smokers outside you dont get any of that and it goes out into the environment.


Its selective and damaging to businesses what the govt is proposing because all that will happen is that anyone who wants to smoke will simply stand on the other side of the pubs border and smoke there. Take "stadiums" which have been mentioned, will there be a big line around it with "no smoking" written on it? whats the difference in the 1 foot that people will step over and smoke at? Who decides the difference


Smoking is bad for you, full stop. thats not argued at all, so is alcohol but i dont see them banning that outside venues, after all kids will see adults drinking and take it up wont they?


Would you also ban vaping in public considering we dont know the long term effects of it yet and that is certainly the manner in which kids are adopting a smoking habit at the moment


      So many inaccuracies, misinterpretations and irrelevances all to avoid a proposal that smoking restrictions be extended in publicly accessible areas.  A rehash of the failed arguments before previous legislation.  As before some of the proposals will scrutinized  before being introduced and debated in Parliament where any new legislation will be introduced. As before the vested interests will attempt to influence us through the media via their multi-million advertising budgets.


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BUt back on topic when it comes to banning things from Pubs why not ban dogs?


I hate nothing more than going into the peaks for a hike, going into a pub, drinking my pint and a dog walks into the pub with muddy paws leaving muddy footprints on the floor

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3 minutes ago, rogets said:

BUt back on topic when it comes to banning things from Pubs why not ban dogs?


I hate nothing more than going into the peaks for a hike, going into a pub, drinking my pint and a dog walks into the pub with muddy paws leaving muddy footprints on the floor

One, this thread is not about banning things from pubs, it’s about outdoor smoking.

Two. Don’t drink off the floor, sit on a chair or stool and use a table. Simples.

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43 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:

      So many inaccuracies, misinterpretations and irrelevances all to avoid a proposal that smoking restrictions be extended in publicly accessible areas.  A rehash of the failed arguments before previous legislation.  As before some of the proposals will scrutinized  before being introduced and debated in Parliament where any new legislation will be introduced. As before the vested interests will attempt to influence us through the media via their multi-million advertising budgets.


so the official ons figures are inaccurate and you are correct?

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