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Will MP's cut their expences

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3 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Our millionaire prime minister is cutting OAP heating allowances, As well as increasing every thing in price that affects the working people that he and his so-called socialists pretend they represent.;

 In light of this will they set an example by stopping  their perks , You know the subsided meals , second housing they rent or buy in London , travel , wage rises,    way beyond what others get ,  Free admission to events  (you can often see them smirking away sporting events inc snooker, football and so on ) .


I mean if we work away from home we have to pay our own way , travel lodging etc so why is it free for them  .

  •  will they come out in support of the ordinary working people and stop pocketing the perks ,  

Every time I've worked away from home I've had my hotel and travel paid for.

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2 hours ago, Anna B said:


It goes well beyond simple expenses... This lot are privileged beyond belief.

They are supposed to be doing a job of work, but everything around them speaks of entitlement and advantage. It doesn't happen on anything like the same scale in other countries.

It is because historically  the British  were governed by the aristocratic ruling class born to expect only the best. They still seem to regard themselves as such. Times change for everyone, but not in Parliament apparently....


Oh pull your head out of the sand. Do say such ludicrous things deliberately to get a reaction or something?  


Take a look across the pond where we have a multi convicted criminal on serious prisonable offences still a credible candidate for return to presidency...  In europe we have leaders living in gold palaces starting wars and land grabs without any due process or voting control.... There are some jurisdictions in South America  with massive corruption problems. Drug cartels literally buying off their politicians.... In parts of Africa there's been stories of mass voter fraud with political candidates literally dumping bags of cash in under cover of darkness to wooo voters.... In some so-called democratic states in Asia it's an absolute dictatorship where the wealth, privilege and freedoms of political leaders and their servants vs the ordinary people is so huge it could be seen from space. Add on that anyone daring to criticise it or even negatively report it in their media publication suddenly disappears or get shut down ....     


Those are REAL examples of entitlement and privilege.   Whining about our MPs getting a subsidised canteen and the odd complimentary ticket to a football match isn't even scratching the surface. 


Get some bloody perspective.  

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2 minutes ago, Mister M said:

Every time I've worked away from home I've had my hotel and travel paid for.


Most people in the working world do. 


But booo booo MPs hiss booo. They should get nothing but a crust of bread and a straw bed.  Boo hiss boo...

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3 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:


Most people in the working world do. 


But booo booo MPs hiss booo. They should get nothing but a crust of bread and a straw bed.  Boo hiss boo...

Well, for the last 20-odd years working in my my job, we didn't have a canteen, and the only time I 'went away' for the firm, I had to present original bills/invoices for what I paid at the time to get it repaid.

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4 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Our millionaire prime minister is cutting OAP heating allowances, As well as increasing every thing in price that affects the working people that he and his so-called socialists pretend they represent.;


Socialists? 😂

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4 minutes ago, Draggletail said:

Socialists? 😂

If Labour had stated that they were going to stop the fuel allowance in their manifesto they would possibly have half their MPs in parliament,

seems a bit underhand.

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50 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:


Oh pull your head out of the sand. Do say such ludicrous things deliberately to get a reaction or something?  


Take a look across the pond where we have a multi convicted criminal on serious prisonable offences still a credible candidate for return to presidency...  In europe we have leaders living in gold palaces starting wars and land grabs without any due process or voting control.... There are some jurisdictions in South America  with massive corruption problems. Drug cartels literally buying off their politicians.... In parts of Africa there's been stories of mass voter fraud with political candidates literally dumping bags of cash in under cover of darkness to wooo voters.... In some so-called democratic states in Asia it's an absolute dictatorship where the wealth, privilege and freedoms of political leaders and their servants vs the ordinary people is so huge it could be seen from space. Add on that anyone daring to criticise it or even negatively report it in their media publication suddenly disappears or get shut down ....     


Those are REAL examples of entitlement and privilege.   Whining about our MPs getting a subsidised canteen and the odd complimentary ticket to a football match isn't even scratching the surface. 


Get some bloody perspective.  


That's as fine an example of ' Whataboutery ' as I've come across in a long time.  People in other countries do the same and even worse, so our politicians should be allowed to fiddle the system to their hearts content and we shouldn't pass comment.


The repayment of accommodation and meals when working away from home are fully justifiable, providing it's genuinely claimed and not used for personal gain.

For years I worked in a business which entailed staying in hotels on several nights every month and also travelling on the Master Cutler for a monthly meeting at London Head Office. Breakfast on the way down and an evening meal on the return journey were also paid for by the company. However, receipts had to be provided and justified.

It was a security business and was exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. Everyone in the industry was vetted. Anyone found fiddling their expenses was instantly dismissed and was unable to work in the industry again because of the vetting system.


Fifty two percent of MPs were found to have fiddled their expenses during the 2009 expenses scandal but they were simply allowed to repay the money stolen ( That's what obtaining money by deception is, stealing ) and then carry on as if nothing had happened. And it is still happening.



What people in foreign countries do is not my concern, what the people we elect to govern this country do is very much my concern, and should be everyone's concern.

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1 hour ago, ECCOnoob said:

Those are REAL examples of entitlement and privilege.   Whining about our MPs getting a subsidised canteen and the odd complimentary ticket to a football match isn't even scratching the surface. 


Its not subsidised just cheap runs at a loss, decent 3 course for way under a tenner back in 2006


odd ticket, Stamer had nearly £30,000 quids worth in 2023 betcha he's already got a free family pass to Oasis 😂

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1 minute ago, cressida said:

If Labour had stated that they were going to stop the fuel allowance in their manifesto they would possibly have half their MPs in parliament,

seems a bit underhand.

My brief comment was meant to indicate that they're hardly a socialist government. That went out with Blair.


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