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If you could go in a time machine -where would you go ?

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12 hours ago, Baron99 said:

But then we'd probably have ended up fighting the Soviets. 

I very much doubt it in the short term as they were intent on expanding the Soviet Union throughout Eastern Europe. In the interim both the U.K. along with the rest of Western Europe and the USA would have had time to ensure that there would be no Soviet  movement into their territories both on land and at sea, in short what we currently have.


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A joke Not sure if It will get removed but here it is.  Time Machine

Barak Obama and David Cameron, when both were leaders of there country, are shown a time machine which can see 100 years into the future. 


They both decide to test it by asking a question each. 


Obama goes first.   “What will the USA be like in 100 years time he asks?” 


The machine whirs and beeps and goes into action and gives him a printout, he reads it out 

"The country is in good hands under the new president, crime is non-existent, 

there is no conflict, the economy is healthy. There are no worries” 


David thinks “It's not bad this time machine, I'll have a bit of that” so he asks: 


“What will the U.K. be like in 100 years time?” 


The machine whirs and beeps and goes into action, and he gets a printout. 

But he just stares at it. 


“Come on David” says Barak, “What does it say” 


David replies, 


“B*ggered if I know! It's all in Arabic!” 

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14 hours ago, Thug Life said:

I would go back in time 1980 and live my life as an 80's child. The 80s really seems as though it would have been a good time to grow up. 

Definitely, not just my personal view, but many will tell you it was a good time.


I've seen comments from ppl born 2 decades later, but hear things about 80s and wish they'd been there.


Of course, not everyone would agree and that may depend on where you were and how your childhood was.


I grew up in London,  dad had a steady job and income, mum always there, family trips , lots of stuff to-do  outdoors,  great 80 bands, computer and game consoles were coming through- though we spent time in arcades. There's so much more- I wouldn't go back because I've lived it. No regrets.

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