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Has council 'cowardice' killed Ecclesall Road?

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On 06/09/2024 at 15:58, SheffieldForum said:


I think (understandably) people have missed the context of the council 'killing' Eccy Road... The context for this specific article isn't necessarily about what the council have done, it is what the council didn't do, by cowtowing to a small campaign group and not going ahead with the proposed traffic changes which - according to some reports - would have eased the congestion and made it easier for footfall.


The 'cowardice' quote comes from Councillor Peter Gilbert:


“Lots of people had genuine and legitimate concerns, but it just became a political football,” he argues. He supported the plans, or at least supported giving them a fair hearing, but he says some politicians in the city “sensed an opportunity to take advantage of people’s legitimate concerns and stoke people’s fears”. In this environment, misinformation spread very quickly and, in the face of fierce public opposition, Labour eventually withdrew their support."




"He claims Labour felt the plans were “too hot to handle” and “took the easy way out” as a result of “cowardice”."


The full article is a really good read: https://www.sheffieldtribune.co.uk/p/has-council-cowardice-killed-ecclesall?r=jhgjc

I’m generally in favour of reducing traffic and greater pedestrianisation.  But Ecclesall Road is a main road and was not in favour of it becoming a red route.  Not everyone can get there easily using public transport and it would displace parking on to already overcrowded residential streets.

Abbeydale Road and London Road are very much on the up and there is no red route there.  Someone has mentioned that the area past Hunters Bar roundabout is ‘a place to be’ for restaurants now.  

So I believe I know what is ‘killing’ the part of Ecclesall Road from the Hunters Bar roundabout towards town and it isn’t the lack of a red route.


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23 minutes ago, pfifes said:

I’m generally in favour of reducing traffic and greater pedestrianisation.  But Ecclesall Road is a main road and was not in favour of it becoming a red route.  Not everyone can get there easily using public transport and it would displace parking on to already overcrowded residential streets.

Abbeydale Road and London Road are very much on the up and there is no red route there.  Someone has mentioned that the area past Hunters Bar roundabout is ‘a place to be’ for restaurants now.  

So I believe I know what is ‘killing’ the part of Ecclesall Road from the Hunters Bar roundabout towards town and it isn’t the lack of a red route.


So, what is it that is killing that part of Eccy Road?

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Like most things that are rather nice and to an extent posh, it annoys certain folk who want to put a certain downer on it so will do all they can to make it ordinary again. ( Sheffield city Council)


The ridiculous effort and cost it takes to park puts me off straight away.

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1 hour ago, SheffieldForum said:

So, what is it that is killing that part of Eccy Road?

Well, if you considering opening an independent restaurant or cafe, why might you prefer Abbeydale or London Road to that part of Ecclesall Road?  
In addition to that reason  (or as a natural progression of it really), places like Abbeydale Road are replacing what Ecclesall Road used to be.

But sure there are still some nice places on that part of Ecclesall Road and areas naturally do decline and regenerate over time.

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People have always been the same - Me Me Me.


From the book "How to win friends and influence people" page 78  "The New York Telephone Company made a detailed study of telephone conversations to find out which word is the most frequently used. You have guessed it: it is the personal pronoun “I.” “I.” “I.” It was used 3,900 times in 500 telephone conversations.  When you see a group photograph that you are in, whose picture do you look for first?."


People tend not to be interested in things detrimental to other people, but if something affects a person directly ... The top and bottom of it is that most most people are too greedy and selfish, not that they'd ever admit it. 

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1 minute ago, prince al said:

Are mafias also trying to take over certain properties?

I’ve heard rumours of that on certain parts of Ecclesall Road (more of a ‘protection racket’ than anyone taking over properties), but nobody (obviously) has ever confirmed anything.


There are some properties seemingly owned by what some may consider ‘dodgy’ people though (similar happening in Abbeydale Road).


What have you heard (if anything)?


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