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Has council 'cowardice' killed Ecclesall Road?

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13 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Nowt unusual about our caring council killing areas, 

They killed Sheffields oldest trading and meeting area down on Exchange Street a few years ago .


They decided that a pile of rubble was more important than a living, noisy, vibrant historical meeting place and instead  decided to plant daisies and pyrethrins to blow in the wind , Come to think of it that's what our Town planners do or summat like blowing in the wind that is . 

Have the council killed Ecclesall Road though? If so, how?

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1 hour ago, SheffieldForum said:

The decline of it? Hence the point of the article?

The only “decline” is the general  fading out of the traditional high street - which is happening everywhere and Ecclesall Road is doing a lot better than other areas in that regard. 

so there probably are a few more empty shops - as retailers don’t want to pay high rents/rates when they can flog it you direct from a warehouse in donny.


there’s still loads going on around there and on Sharrowvale road behind it though.


Think it’s one of the least of the cities worries to be honest. 



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15 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Nowt unusual about our caring council killing areas, 

They killed Sheffields oldest trading and meeting area down on Exchange Street a few years ago .


They decided that a pile of rubble was more important than a living, noisy, vibrant historical meeting place and instead  decided to plant daisies and pyrethrins to blow in the wind , Come to think of it that's what our Town planners do or summat like blowing in the wind that is . 

Is that Castle Market by per chance?

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It's still a decent road to go drinking on IMO. 5 decent micropubs/bars alone, and most of the rest of the pubs aren't bad. As mentioned elsewhere though, the section past Hunter's Bar now seems to be the "in" place for restaurants and it's a shame about the empty units on the main drag.

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6 hours ago, SheffieldForum said:

Have the council killed Ecclesall Road though? If so, how?


The council haven't "killed" it. Some people just like to blame the council for everything. Its a bit Monthy Python & Romans.


The main issue is probably (as someone has already mentioned), the continuing decline in high street retail, coupled with on-going pub closures, and the general public shifting to non-high street shopping/eating/drinking. Ecclesall Road suffers also from a lack of parking, but thats been the case for a long time.


And, of course this is not unique to Sheffield. Areas within so many towns & cities have been in decline for a good few years.


But people will moan, and people will blame, because thats what people like to do.


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10 minutes ago, PapaLazarou said:


The council haven't "killed" it. Some people just like to blame the council for everything. Its a bit Monthy Python & Romans.


The main issue is probably (as someone has already mentioned), the continuing decline in high street retail, coupled with on-going pub closures, and the general public shifting to non-high street shopping/eating/drinking. Ecclesall Road suffers also from a lack of parking, but thats been the case for a long time.


And, of course this is not unique to Sheffield. Areas within so many towns & cities have been in decline for a good few years.


But people will moan, and people will blame, because thats what people like to do.



I think (understandably) people have missed the context of the council 'killing' Eccy Road... The context for this specific article isn't necessarily about what the council have done, it is what the council didn't do, by cowtowing to a small campaign group and not going ahead with the proposed traffic changes which - according to some reports - would have eased the congestion and made it easier for footfall.


The 'cowardice' quote comes from Councillor Peter Gilbert:


“Lots of people had genuine and legitimate concerns, but it just became a political football,” he argues. He supported the plans, or at least supported giving them a fair hearing, but he says some politicians in the city “sensed an opportunity to take advantage of people’s legitimate concerns and stoke people’s fears”. In this environment, misinformation spread very quickly and, in the face of fierce public opposition, Labour eventually withdrew their support."




"He claims Labour felt the plans were “too hot to handle” and “took the easy way out” as a result of “cowardice”."


The full article is a really good read: https://www.sheffieldtribune.co.uk/p/has-council-cowardice-killed-ecclesall?r=jhgjc

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