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Would you change your religion for marriage ?

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6 minutes ago, lavery549@yahoo said:

Some people change their religion so they can marry someone from a different one . I have Jehovah's witnesses in my family . One of them told her husband that they could no longer be married if he didn't convert . That to me is awful 

Religion is something I'll never really understand. Sure its nice to think there is some benevolent creator up above who loves you and will be there in the after life. But to let it control your life in such a way?

That's a big no from me. Like you, I think that's awful. 

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35 minutes ago, lavery549@yahoo said:

Some people change their religion so they can marry someone from a different one . I have Jehovah's witnesses in my family . One of them told her husband that they could no longer be married if he didn't convert . That to me is awful 

Did he know that she had joined this 'cult' or did she just spring it upon him one day?  I don't think that anyone should be forced into joining anything.

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8 hours ago, lavery549@yahoo said:

One of them told her husband that they could no longer be married if he didn't convert .

I'd question the commitment to the relationship - not to mention giving the woman a huge side-eye in general -  if she's willing to leave it on such a pretext.  Big honking great red flag right there.  She's likely doing him a favour.  Run.  Run fast and run far.

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9 hours ago, lavery549@yahoo said:

Some people change their religion so they can marry someone from a different one . I have Jehovah's witnesses in my family . One of them told her husband that they could no longer be married if he didn't convert . That to me is awful 

If you're of the one God or Abrahamic religion it's feasible I suppose it's only the rituals that change and the book followed, I have a very good friend who is a witness, he's never tried to convert me and is extremely unhappy about some marriages breaking up because of his faith, he thinks it unnecessary, he accepts people as they are, but feels it his mission to enlighten others into his faith.

I lost my faith years ago, I would feel hippocritical playing along for a relationship.

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I’m not religious and I don’t think I would convert to any religion it just wouldn’t feel right for me especially if I didn’t believe in it, what would be the point.

When someone is deeply religious and trying to persuade their partner to convert to the same religion perhaps they are trying to save their soul for the afterlife so they can be with them eternally, and to prevent them being punished on the day of reckoning and sent to hell.  However If someone has been in an unhappy marriage for many years they might prefer going to hell than an afterlife with their partner.  

It’s a funny thing religion, there are times when I am jealous of my religious friends and family because they do cope with death and life’s problems far better than me.

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Just now, hauxwell said:

I’m not religious and I don’t think I would convert to any religion it just wouldn’t feel right for me especially if I didn’t believe in it, what would be the point.

When someone is deeply religious and trying to persuade their partner to convert to the same religion perhaps they are trying to save their soul for the afterlife so they can be with them eternally, and to prevent them being punished on the day of reckoning and sent to hell.  However If someone has been in an unhappy marriage for many years they might prefer going to hell than an afterlife with their partner.  

It’s a funny thing religion, there are times when I am jealous of my religious friends and family because they do cope with death and life’s problems far better than me.

I must admit I have a great deal of respect for many people that have faith.

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