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6 minutes ago, pfifes said:

That is good advice and I’m going to take it (without drinking lots of sugar free pop as a substitute 👍)

My Achilles heel is chocolate but apparently dark chocolate is the best heath wise!!!  That's what makes me feel less guilty.


It's the pop and sweets that are the problem but fortunately I've rarely had either, even as a kid I hated pop and sweets.

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11 hours ago, El Cid said:


It's a start, lets hope they do more. Can they make us all healthy eaters, probably not.

But surely the Government can make things better.

The sugar tax on fizzy drinks reduced the sugar content, it worked in a small way.

But if they do that with other foods, companies will use sweeteners.

Ronald Reagan reckoned the most feared words in the US were, I'm from the government I'm here to help.

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14 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

They already do use sweetners and 101 other chemicals to make up for the lack of sugar which some would argue have potential health concerns just a much (if not worse) than natural sugar, 


"it worked" is debatable in my opinion.  


Higher taxes worked with cigarettes/tobacco and the Government does need to tax us, so it's a win/win.

The soft drinks industry levy, the ‘sugary drinks tax’, in England was followed by a drop in the number of cases of obesity among older primary school children.



That is obviously not 'proof' but it's a start.

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Just now, lavery549@yahoo said:


ER right , interesting . NHS , is only over funded , in the areas of Management ,in my opinion , they are overpaid & contribute to a great deal of the wasting of money on ridiculous things , for example ,Diversity , They also , supposedly " save money " on items needed on the wards & department . The amount of times I have put gloves on & they fall to pieces ,I lost count . That is just one example . They sit there in their offices , coming up with ridiculous ways of supposedly making care better for patients , when it doesn't work , because they haven't thought it through , then when it's mandatory , it's staff on front line catching the fallout . Overstaffed , where did you get that idea from ,Nurses are leaving in droves because they are fed up with not getting supported . At one point , there was a massive lack of shifts for those working Bank ,because Ward Managers had been told to cut back . So how is that overstaffed ???? . Yes , there are a lot of wastage , because ,the goods we have to work with are cheap , nasty & not worth using . Yes NHS is abused & taken for granted , but questions have to be asked as to why . 

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6 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

My Achilles heel is chocolate but apparently dark chocolate is the best heath wise!!!  That's what makes me feel less guilty.


It's the pop and sweets that are the problem but fortunately I've rarely had either, even as a kid I hated pop and sweets.

Anything salty is my downfall. The saltier the better .

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16 hours ago, Prettytom said:

Sugar is well known to cause obesity. There are numerous studies out there to show that.


Obesity is definitely harmful to human health.


Happy to correct you.

And Obesity plus Sugar , equals , a higher risk of people devoloping Type 2 Diabetes . But , with regards to sweetners & sugar free drinks . Aspartame was added to a great many , which was found to be one of the causes of Dementia 

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23 hours ago, pfifes said:

I don’t know why some people have kids.  They just seem to ignore them and wish they weren’t there.

Benefits. When I was in my late teens (late 90s), SCC were handing out flats like they were sweets to young teen mums so a lot of lasses were getting up the duff to move out of their parent. 

3 hours ago, lavery549@yahoo said:

ER right , interesting . NHS , is only over funded , in the areas of Management ,in my opinion , they are overpaid & contribute to a great deal of the wasting of money on ridiculous things , for example ,Diversity , They also , supposedly " save money " on items needed on the wards & department . The amount of times I have put gloves on & they fall to pieces ,I lost count . That is just one example . They sit there in their offices , coming up with ridiculous ways of supposedly making care better for patients , when it doesn't work , because they haven't thought it through , then when it's mandatory , it's staff on front line catching the fallout . Overstaffed , where did you get that idea from ,Nurses are leaving in droves because they are fed up with not getting supported . At one point , there was a massive lack of shifts for those working Bank ,because Ward Managers had been told to cut back . So how is that overstaffed ???? . Yes , there are a lot of wastage , because ,the goods we have to work with are cheap , nasty & not worth using . Yes NHS is abused & taken for granted , but questions have to be asked as to why . 

£13 billion in wastage in one year the last time I saw an article on it, most of it was due to OVERpaying for basic items from loo roll to paracetamol. IIRC some of the markups by the suppliers were 4000% of RETAIL, not wholesale prices. But they have to use those suppliers because the management says they cannot shop free market. 

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