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Ban on junk food TV adverts

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11 hours ago, Delbow said:


Junk food really isn't just food, it's a whole chemistry lesson on a plate. There is a lot of public health research that shows a link between junk food advertising and junk food consumption. The phrase generally used in the UK is 'commercial determinants of public health'


It'll be that that the government is drawing on, and the reason will be to reduce demand on the NHS.

I'm well aware that food is a chemistry lesson on a plate, or in a bowl. Some of the most annoying phrases people utter are ones like, I don't want chemicals in my food, then starve to death, caramelized meat, no sugars in raw meat to caramelize, fat and salt are so bad for you, both are chemicals, you will die without both. Yes ok you will die anyway no matter what you eat.

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12 hours ago, cressida said:

The Mediterranean Diet has proved popular,  once when we arrived late for dinner,  we were served different meats on a plate,  didn't feel bloated.

A Mediterranean diet includes lots of lard, I suspect the environment and weather play at least as big a role as diet

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Lunch on Sunday,  and a child was wailing all the way through our meal,  in a high chair,  no attempt to quieten it,  until we had finished and I noticed the mother had picked it up,  the child was unhappy and unsettled but stopped crying immediately on being lifted out of the high chair.  I can't understand why they didn't lift the child up earlier.  There were diners nearer to them

than us,  must have been hell.

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I've only read pages 1 and 2, but coincidentally, one of my Chinese students today was practising for her English test had some questions on this topic... I'll see if I can copy and paste them... we actually got into quite a good conversation about this... 


My first point was that 'junk food' and 'fast food' are two phrases that seem to be linked, they go hand in hand, yet I don't see how this is necessarily correct. Actually ECCOnoob already covered this in part when talking about 'home cooked food' being similarly linked with 'good food', which of course is nonsense, and in fact, I wondered, is it more or less nonsense than linking the other side of the coin?


I also told her about the 'UK sugar tax' as part of question 3 and she didn't believe me, she thought I was joking!  haha!


I think both parties are just playing the 'We're doing something' card. How many young people actually watch TV, or don't skip past adverts on things like youtube?


My opinion overall: It's pointless act. And embarrassing to the country. 




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1 hour ago, *_ash_* said:


My first point was that 'junk food' and 'fast food' are two phrases that seem to be linked, they go hand in hand



Not necessarily, there is Subway, where I have a nice tuna salad in a 6" granary, but bread is not too healthy.

But bread can be ok in moderation.

We also have KFC, that would be ok with salad. Can you regulate takeaways, probably not, except on price/tax.

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11 hours ago, crisispoint said:

I found this article fascinating, I wouldn't want to take this approach personally, I do know people that have followed a keto type diet very successfully. But I still reckon the balanced diet is best, whatever that is.



Can we trust news anymore, not sure.

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6 minutes ago, El Cid said:


Not necessarily, there is Subway, where I have a nice tuna salad in a 6" granary, but bread is not too healthy.

But bread can be ok in moderation.

We also have KFC, that would be ok with salad. Can you regulate takeaways, probably not, except on price/tax.

My point maybe wasn't clear.

I'm not saying fast food is ALL unhealthy, I am saying that junk food and fast food are closely used together. 

As per my example in the exam question, and in general. 


I asked my student 'If I opened a fast food shop, that served healthy food, then should this be linked with junk food/' and of course she said no. 


How is the government going to decide what is junk food? I could go to McDonald's and buy a portion of apple slices. They going to ban places on what basis?

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