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Meatless food conspiracy

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just discovered this is an actual conspiracy theory lol, dreamt up by Pastor Rick Wiles, from 5 years ago, wonder if hes still banging on about it, or if hes onto a new conspiracy theory now.


"Right-wing pastor Rick Wiles, on his TruNews program Wednesday evening (2019-06-08), suggested that meat alternative companies are trying to create the new foods in an effort to alter human DNA in order to cause human beings to no longer being technically classified as humans -- a plot that would make it impossible for them to be saved by Christ, he says.

Wiles believes people will soon not even be given the choice of real or meatless foods, and that fast food restaurants will make the switch without giving customers an option to keep meat in their diet.

“When you go to your favorite fast food restaurant, you are going to be eating a fake hamburger,” Wiles said in a video clip flagged by Right Wing Watch. “You’re going to go to the grocery store and buy a pound of fake hamburger or a fake steak, and you won’t know that it was grown in some big corporation’s laboratory.”

Wiles added that he believes this is a “nightmare world” that seeks to change “God’s creation.” Meatless companies want to “be God,” he said.

The ultimate goal, Wiles believes, is to bring more people to Satan."


all i can say is.......LOL


source https://wrongplanet.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=407933&p=9107436

also X, Facebook etc etc

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