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Israel / Gaza / Lebanon / Iran War Thread

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Once again my posts with links that contained no swearing have been deleted.  The genocide is there for all to see on the news  so carry on deleting it doesn’t bother me it  just shows how the truth is being silenced to keep the fake narrative going.

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12 hours ago, Axe said:

To me it seemed the terrorists sympathisers were being protected from being challenged. Not good for the integrity  of a discussion forum.

You have made this remark again, despite your previous posts being removed.

You are quite welcome to label me as such,  if you can quote  a post from me which  offers my sympathy or support to terrorists.

As I have not written such,  your comments are lies and you will not be allowed to publish lies without protest from me.


I detest terrorists whatever their name or race.   I detest war.   I detest the genocide now taking place in Palestine.

If the two sides are too murderous and stupid to stop the killing,  they should be forced into a supervised peace where they BOTH have to adhere to International Law..

This country,  together with the USA,  are prolonging the killing by not insisting on a stop to the killing so I condemn,  Sunak & Biden,  along with Hamas and Netanyahu.


These quotes, provided by peak4,  confirm my beliefs that posters such as Axe,  use this ready made method of trying to shut down discussion. 

Amy Goodman of DemocracyNow:
Often when there is dissent expressed in the United States against policies of the Israeli government, people here are called anti-Semitic, what is your response to that as an Israeli Jew?

Shulamit Aloni:
“Well it’s a trick we always use it, when in Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing well, then they are anti-Semitic.” 


Edited by Organgrinder
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11 hours ago, Axe said:

To me it seemed the terrorists sympathisers were being protected from being challenged. Not good for the integrity  of a discussion forum.

Accusing people of being terrorist sympathisers with no justification is what's not good for the integrity of a discussion forum, you snake.

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1 hour ago, mafya said:

Once again my posts with links that contained no swearing have been deleted.  The genocide is there for all to see on the news  so carry on deleting it doesn’t bother me it  just shows how the truth is being silenced to keep the fake narrative going.


I'd suggest that mods aren't deliberately censoring your posts to cover anything up; similarly I had one vanish yesterday as it was caught up in bickering between others.
I've seen similar on several forums in the past, where one or more posters continue to make false allegations against another on an emotive subject, often because they have a problem with the legitimate views expressed, and won't engage in rational evidenced debate.

It's then used to supress discussion, as per the Shulamit Aloni I posted earlier, or used to entice someone into making an unguarded comment, which can them be quoted out of context in order to show them in a bad light.
Last time I was party to similar, several members (not on this forum), all claimed that one member was making provocative comments by falsely claiming he thought and said things which he hadn't.
I'm not suggesting mods here would, but in that instance they joined in, and eventually the "troublesome" member was either banned or left (In that case opposing Brexit and expressing socialist views was enough to have him targeted for false allegations on a different topic altogether).

In this case the false allegations are sometimes what would be a criminal act in the UK i.e. the support of a proscribed organisation.
Someone can then be provoked into an unguarded comment, which can  be further mis-represented, and even reported to the police.

It's also not helpful when people edit the quotes of another poster, the original gets deleted by mods as part of a legitimate cleanup, but the edited one remains and further shows the targeted member in a bad light

Forum mods do have a responsibility, and maybe even a legal one.


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5 hours ago, SFBeca said:

the posts were  arguing and swearing hence the deletion the subsequent posts which actually were relevant then quoted the offending posts and had to be removed. 

Thank you for the explanation.


4 hours ago, mafya said:

Once again my posts with links that contained no swearing have been deleted.  The genocide is there for all to see on the news  so carry on deleting it doesn’t bother me it  just shows how the truth is being silenced to keep the fake narrative going.

Israel is not committing genocide because they are not deliberately killing innocent people unlike the Hamas terrorists  who deliberately murdered innocent women and children when they carried out the massacre at a peaceful music festival on 7th October 2023.

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1 hour ago, Axe said:

Thank you for the explanation.


Israel is not committing genocide because they are not deliberately killing innocent people unlike the Hamas terrorists  who deliberately murdered innocent women and children when they carried out the massacre at a peaceful music festival on 7th October 2023.

Genocide happens when a elected  Government turns its Army onto a unarmed group who have not attacked them , The situation usually leads to controlled extermination of the group as happened in Germany and in Armenia when the Turks and Ottomans marched the unarmed Armenians into the dessert and shot or starved them to death . This along with the genocide in Rwanda is a example of a Government and its Army killing a part of its people who have not attacked them and are un armed .


Israel was attacked its young people killed and raped at a music festival the so called Hamas Army who represent Palestine did the attacking in the name of whatever God they worship and with the full backing of the majority in Gaza ;

If they for one minute thought that Israel would sit back and take it they must be brain dead , They know from the  past  that Israel does not take prisoners , Its very survival  depends on a eye for a eye and a tooth for a tooth ,

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46 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

Genocide happens when a elected  Government turns its Army onto a unarmed group who have not attacked them , The situation usually leads to controlled extermination of the group as happened in Germany and in Armenia when the Turks and Ottomans marched the unarmed Armenians into the dessert and shot or starved them to death . This along with the genocide in Rwanda is a example of a Government and its Army killing a part of its people who have not attacked them and are un armed .


Israel was attacked its young people killed and raped at a music festival the so called Hamas Army who represent Palestine did the attacking in the name of whatever God they worship and with the full backing of the majority in Gaza ;

If they for one minute thought that Israel would sit back and take it they must be brain dead , They know from the  past  that Israel does not take prisoners , Its very survival  depends on a eye for a eye and a tooth for a tooth ,

My Bold:  Where did you get the part in bold from ?  I have found no mention of it when I looked.


Genocide is exactly what Israel is doing to civilians and has been doing for more than 3 months.

There is no proviso that they must not have attacked them  -  only that unarmed civilians are being killed.



Genocide is the intentional destruction of a people[a] in whole or in part.

In 1948, the United Nations Genocide Convention defined genocide as any of five "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group". These five acts were: killing members of the group, causing them serious bodily or mental harm, imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group, preventing births, and forcibly transferring children out of the group. Victims are targeted because of their real or perceived membership of a group, not randomly.


Prohibited acts

The Genocide Convention establishes five prohibited acts that, when committed with the requisite intent, amount to genocide. Genocide is not just defined as wide scale massacre-style killings that are visible and well-documented. International law recognizes a broad range of forms of violence in which the crime of genocide can be enacted.[


Edited by Organgrinder
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1 hour ago, cuttsie said:

Genocide happens when a elected  Government turns its Army onto a unarmed group who have not attacked them , The situation usually leads to controlled extermination of the group as happened in Germany and in Armenia when the Turks and Ottomans marched the unarmed Armenians into the dessert and shot or starved them to death . This along with the genocide in Rwanda is a example of a Government and its Army killing a part of its people who have not attacked them and are un armed .


Israel was attacked its young people killed and raped at a music festival the so called Hamas Army who represent Palestine did the attacking in the name of whatever God they worship and with the full backing of the majority in Gaza ;

If they for one minute thought that Israel would sit back and take it they must be brain dead , They know from the  past  that Israel does not take prisoners , Its very survival  depends on a eye for a eye and a tooth for a tooth ,

Should be same here for wannna be gangsters and their knives

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So you re -define genocide to suit your views.


Add to that your assumption that the terrorists had the full backing of all Palestinians.

Plus your failure to understand that the Israeli encroachment on Palestinian territory has gone on for years.

Plus the treatment and displacement of Palestinians from their homelands and subjugation of those who continued to live in Jerusalem.

I believe even more that Netanyahu was either negligent in his defence of Israel’s borders or complicit in allowing a situation that would allow his current destruction of  Gaza and its people

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