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SCC Wants an Extra 10,000 Properties in City Centre.

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A report fro The Star claims SCC wants an extra 35,000 people living in the city centre by 2039, brought about by recent & proposed planning projects.  Most properties appear to be flats?  Sorry, luxury apartments. 



All I can say is I'm glad I live in a leafy suburb.

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How do you expect people should live in a city centre?  There is a very finite amount of space, and it certainly cannot contain an additional 35,000 people enjoying a large detached property and leafy garden.


High rise is the only answer, it's easily sufficient for the rest of the world, I don't see why it cannot work here.


Sheffield needs to think bigger, not pretend it's some kind of rural village.



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I have to agree. There seems to have been quite a few comments of a similar theme with people almost surprised or shocked that in city living exists. It's nonsense as its been around for centuries. 


The structures may have changed but the concept certainly hasn't. 


People seem to forget that not everyone (1) can afford to nor (2) wants to nor (3) has space to, live in some suburbia house.   


I'd argue apartments, condos, terrace blocks or even in some cases entire communal living facilities are the norm for far more people than those living in semis and detached out of town. 


There is also a present-day evolution of the way the next generation want to live.  Putting aside all the bull crap conspiracies about 15 minutes cities and government control... It's a clear fact that for many of the next generation there is far less desire and being precious about car ownership. Many of them like to live back in the cities with facilities around them with their friends and their workplaces and communities on the doorstep. They are less obsessive about cars. They are more open to using their legs or cycling or public transport.  Their working methods have changed dramatically, it's more agile and flexible. Lots more remote working options, lots more multi jobbing, different ways of making a living Which may not always be revolving around the traditional 9 to 5 plus daily commute. 


Even the buildings themselves are changing. Multi-use is the buzzword. Take a look around, we have former industrial powerhouses, smelly factories, forges, workshops converted into 200-300k  apartments, maisonettes, townhouses surrounded by cocktail bars and restaurants. We have former office towers previously filled with dusty filing cabinets, brown suited executives, clerks and pools of typists now transformed into entire new communities with in-house facilities, gyms, communal eating spaces, even their own shops sometimes.


We can't just keep on expanding outwards on this delusion that every single person is going to have a 'two up two down' with garden, garage and driveway. There are green belt protections, brownfield is not infinite and let's be frank at the mere mention of building a bigger housing estate, the pre-existing NIMBYS, environmentalists and curtain twitching resident associations  would make damn sure it's quashed before the plan even gets to paper. 


Apartments are the reality. It's what people expect in the inner city. The term housing doesn't automatically mean a house. Never did.

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15 hours ago, Baron99 said:

A report fro The Star claims SCC wants an extra 35,000 people living in the city centre by 2039, brought about by recent & proposed planning projects.  Most properties appear to be flats?  Sorry, luxury apartments. 



All I can say is I'm glad I live in a leafy suburb.

Well Sheffield has declared itself the city of sanctuary so when nearly half the world is here we will all be living in rabbit hutches, o'h sorry, studios.

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   City centre living also means city centre spending -which means city centre growth- which means city centre re-development and more money for the Council. 

    Every thriving city is reliant on attracting younger people, for whom studios, flats, apartments are a starting point before they move on to bigger things.

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20 hours ago, Baron99 said:

All I can say is I'm glad I live in a leafy suburb.


if we want a city centre that has people and profitable shops in it, we need people living there.


city centre living isn't everyone's cup of tea, but nor is gardening.

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