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What's the foullest thing you've ever eaten, or refused to eat ?

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14 hours ago, lovelace said:

People say seagulls are the worst thing to eat,  so I haven't tried that.     In my case it would be any kind of shellfish,  even if my life depended on it.    A friend tried the Lobster Bisque (cold pink soup )  at a restaurant,  she couldn't eat it & we were all put off our food by it.        I had to force myself to eat  a  steak that was blood red in the middle because I didn't want to make a fuss.     Never again.

I love rare steak and have eaten and thoroughly enjoyed steak tartare 

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10 hours ago, FIRETHORN1 said:

I really dislike olives...particularly black olives ,  I know that they are trendy and good nutrition, but I just don't like 'em -,they taste like summat rotting! I also don't like oysters. Oysters are fine when cooked, like in a beef and oyster pie, but eaten 'au-naturel ' - i.e eaten raw and just sucked out of their shells, I think oysters are pretty vile - they taste like salty sea-snot.

The worst thing I have ever eaten though - and would never, ever eat again - even if you paid me good money - is Cow' udder! Ugh!! 

My old dad - now long gone - loved eating  a vile broth made of cow's udder. When when my brother and I  were little kids in the early 60's,  dad would   buy a chunk of udder from an offal stall in the old Castle Market (often with the nipples still attached). It was disgusting even to look at, but when he cut it into chunks and boiled it down to a broth with carrots, onion, celery etc, it was even worse! It smelled rancid, like sour milk and vomit. Worst of all, was being forced to eat the damn stuff when it was cooked - it was like eating rancid, sour lumps of bath sponge, soaked in vomitty gravy. Dad loved it would shovel it in by the ladleful, and no matter how much we gagged, cried and protested, he would force my little brother and I to eat some too. It was a cruel and unusual punishment! In most respects . Generally, our old dad was a decent parent. I think he genuinely loved his cow's udder soup and I think he forced us to eat it because he genuinely thought it was nutritious and good for us. Even now though, more than 60 years later, I still gag at the very thought of eating cow's udder broth - and I will never, ever forgive our dad for forcing it down our unwilling throats! Ugh!!

I'd forgotten about udder, trauma can do that. Ugh

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13 hours ago, Draggletail said:

Tripe, which is offal. Gross.

I tried oyster just the once and it made me gag. Fortunately, we were sat elevated a couple of metres from the sea and I quickly left the table and spat it out. The seagulls had it almost before it hit the water.

Haven't eaten meat since I was twenty five years old, was vegan for eighteen months and have been pescetarian for quite some time.

I’ll go along withTripe, when my grandma thought that it would be cool to try me out with my grandpa’s favourite food, she was wrong I’ve never tried it since.🤮

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33 minutes ago, crookesey said:

I’ll go along withTripe, when my grandma thought that it would be cool to try me out with my grandpa’s favourite food, she was wrong I’ve never tried it since.🤮

I used to love tripe, I still like it with salt pepper and vinegar on, but tripe and onions now I'm not as keen on maybe because I can't cook it the same as my mum

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12 hours ago, hackey lad said:

Once bought a tin of Pease Pudding just to try it . Two spoonfuls and straight int bin. 

I agree with you about pease pudding in a tin.  Best place for it is in the bin.  

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I used to love Corned Beef.

Then, many years ago I saw a programme on TV on how its made..

Not touched a tin since then.

Sometimes I fancy a corn beef sandwich but I still can't do it..

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