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I believe it's been manipulated by people as a tool to suit their own agendas.  It's meant to guide people to live a good and honest life.  I believe Jesus and his truth that good people will be saved,  Hell is where God isn't,  so the evil don't stand a chance of salvation,  God won't be there for them.

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It's what the individual wants to make of it in my opinion. I've always been confused by 'religion ' as there are so many different versions of it and quite often conflicting interpretations. It's not a subject that is indisputable, such as a science, and people can pick and choose whichever one they want or the best one to suit themselves....or pick none. 

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In my opinion the wisest words ever spoken about religion were those of Marcus Aurelius Roman Emperor and philosopher.


Noted for his wisdom he was approached by a group of senior Roman citizens who wanted his advice on which God(s) to worship.

They were confused by the number of religions to choose from ( they should be around today 🙄 ) there were the old Greek Gods, the Roman God's the Jewish God and the new Christian God.


Marcus Aurelius advise was  " Live a good life, if there are Gods and they are just then they will not care how devout you have been. If they are not just then you shouldn't have been worshipping them , if there are no God(s) then you will be gone, but you will live on in the memory of those who loved you. "


Excellent advice in my opinion. So much so that any day now I fully intend to start living a good life.

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As a young child I was made to go to Sunday School every Sunday which I hated.  It totally put me off religion for life. I am an atheist but respect others who do believe. My sister in law and niece are deeply religious and I'm fine with that as long as they don't preach to me  .... each to their own.   I always think people can live a good honest life without believing in any god. My husband thinks the same too.

When we had our first child ( 47 years ago )  it was expected that she would be christened. In fact one of my aunties took it upon herself to bake a christening cake !!  I was adamant it wasn't going to happen and it didn't.  ( My husband wasn't bothered either way )  Nobody expected it 3 years later when our son was born.   I always said when they are old enough to make their own minds up, if they want to be christened or whatever I'd be happy to respect their wishes.  Neither of them have and the same goes for our 4 grandchildren.




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4 hours ago, redruby said:

What are your thoughts on religion?  Please discuss!

Ban it ...all wars are caused by religion cutting heads of people who are there to help is not normal .

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