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1 hour ago, echo beach said:

When humankind knows everything there is to know there will be no need for religion or God for we will be God.

We still, however, have a fair way to go to reach that goal, if indeed we ever do.



Never happen whilst folk argue about absolutely anything..nice thought though I would love it 😀 

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Many years ago I used to occasionally read science fiction, I once read a short story back in the sixties before the World Wide Web became a thing.

There had been an international agreement that every computer centre in the world would be connected ( back in the days when computers were as big as bungalows ) and with that incredible harnessed intelligence all questions would be answered.


After years of work the great day came and the man in charge of the project was given the honour of throwing the power switch to turn it on and also to ask the first question.

In front of an international group of world leaders and VIPs he pulled the lever down and the huge central computer came to life.

He walked over in front of it and asked the question that has intrigued mankind since the beginning.


" Is there a God? "


There was a tremendous flash and a lightening bolt hit the power lever fusing it closed, and the answer came.


There is Now 




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I was brought up in a Methodist household, which has still left me respecting the religions/beliefs of others, though I'm now personally atheist; my dad was a Sunday school teacher, but I wonder what he would  make of some US evangelists were he still alive.
This popped up on my feed earlier.


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