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I Miss My Hendersons!!!

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If anyone's ever marooned in North Warks, the Plough at Mancetter (just off the A5) has Hendo's on every table. Landlord picks it up on walking trips to the Peaks. Crackin pies too. Luckily he's happy to sell me the odd bottle too!

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  • 6 months later...
Having left the 'right side of the Pennines' in '86 and then had the unfortunate pleasure of Lancashire 'til '98,it wasn't that difficult to get hold of the black stuff in a bottle for my chips and pies or a good splash on my stew!! Now i live here in Taunton Somerset and now it's not as easy.On my last visit up in God's greatest county i bought 10 bottles from a store in Stocksbridge and the lady who served me almost fell off her chair in amazement and didn't know what to do or say when i said " i love it on my Cornflakes!!" Now i'm down to my last bottle and it's being used sparingly until i get up to Sheffield next weekend!!! :thumbsup:


My cousin in Sheffield is involved some wway with the Henderson Relish company. I know she expoerts it to expats , do you want me to look into for you. Her Mum arrived here in Perth Australia ,from Sheffield last night

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  • 6 months later...

i live in new zealand and got my parents to bring me 2 bottles out a few years ago .dodgy customs here nearly confiscated them!

i came home to sheff last year but couldn't bring any back due to the security alert on liquids. boo . just finished the last drop .

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Hi Just joined this site and saw this thread about Hendersons :):):)

I moved down to Dorset several years ago and havent really been back to Conisborough,and so consequently Ive missed out on my Hendersons.:(:(:(

We used to put it on everything but not sure about putting it on cornflakes:roll:

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