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Sheffield history web page

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Hello all,


Just signed up to the forum and am happy to see so many Sheffielder's on-line. There's obviously an interest in local history, so I thought I would mention my web page about Shefield. I started it several years ago when there was virtually no mention of Sheffield on the web, with the intention of making Sheffield history available to all those who were interested. However, as with all good intentions, updates became fewer as other pressing matters took priority. Anyway, enough prattle, if you're interested, it's at www.jimsdesk.fsnet.co.uk


Look in the Sheffield section for items of interest. I can't claim anything original, it's all taken from local history books and is nowhere near finished. If you have anything to contribute, I'd be happy to hear from you.


Ignore the personal stuff, it's well out of date - I am now a sadder and wiser man - and soon to be single again!





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Originally posted by jimbol

Hello all,


Just signed up to the forum and am happy to see so many Sheffielder's on-line. There's obviously an interest in local history, so I thought I would mention my web page about Shefield. I started it several years ago when there was virtually no mention of Sheffield on the web, with the intention of making Sheffield history available to all those who were interested. However, as with all good intentions, updates became fewer as other pressing matters took priority. Anyway, enough prattle, if you're interested, it's at http://www.jimsdesk.fsnet.co.uk


Look in the Sheffield section for items of interest. I can't claim anything original, it's all taken from local history books and is nowhere near finished. If you have anything to contribute, I'd be happy to hear from you.


Ignore the personal stuff, it's well out of date - I am now a sadder and wiser man - and soon to be single again!





good web site thanks for telling us about it
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