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The morning after the night before - still over the limit?

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A few weeks ago my neighbour knocked over a little boy on our quiet estate as his Mum shouted him across the road to her. It was 8.30 in the morning and she had only just pulled off the estate so luckily the little boy only suffered a bad graze to his head and after a trip to casualty was back out playing later that day.


Anyway, my neighbour who was in a right state came to my house after the accident and I gave her a cup of tea to calm her down but my first instinct was to give her something stronger but it was 8.30 in the morning and as it happens it was a good job I didn't cos when the police came they gave her a routine breathaliser.


My question is I am sat here knecking a Vodka as I sometimes do and no doubt will have a few more. My neighbour said it was lucky she hadn't had a drink the previous night to the accident as she could have been over the limit and although the accident was in no way her fault - it would have been seen a lot differently.


This has made me think how long after you have had a few drinks is it OK to drive the next morning.


I wish you could get little breathaliser kits with your booze so you could test yourself to make sure you are safe. I never drink and drive but am concerned about being over the limit the next day.

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My question is I am sat here knecking a Vodka as I sometimes do and no doubt will have a few more.


Ooooh can I come over, heee heeee!


Well good to know he is ok, I don't drive, but I know people who say when they get up in the morning and drive home from mates houses or whatever they still don't feel right...

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Exactly - years ago the bloke who lived next door to me when I was a kid and who drank quiet a lot got banned for drink driving although he hadn't had a drink that morning but was still over the limit fromt he night before.

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It is very easy to be over the limit the next morning. The police do a campaign near Christmas about this.


I remember seeing something about it taking your body about an hour to deal with each unit of alcohol. That would mean it taking 8 hours to deal with 4 pints of beer.

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Well the basic rule is that each unit of alcohol you drink will take approximatly an hour to disipate in your system so its highly likely that you can still be over the limit in the morning!!


For example- one can of carling is 1.9 units- so if you have 4 cans in a night you should try to not driving for AT LEAST 8 hours after you have finished drinking to be on the safe side.


Now i know alot of people who have a few glasses of wine at night and then set of for work early in the morning- i would say quite alot of them are defiately over the limit- they may not feel like they are, but in the eyes of the law they will be.


You can buy self tester kits but im not sure how reliable they are.

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I wish you could get little breathaliser kits with your booze so you could test yourself to make sure you are safe. I never drink and drive but am concerned about being over the limit the next day.


You can get them. They aren't as accurate as the police ones and you can't rely on their readings as a defence in court, but they do give a good indication if you are over the limit but cant be relied on if they show that you arent. I would reckon if they show any reading other than zero don't drive.


Search for breathalyser on ebay.

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Excellent idea scottf. ZERO TOLERANCE for drink driving is the way to go.


Maybe, just maybe a few lives will be spared.


I always found it astonishing that a lot of pubs have huge carparks!!


Aiding and abetting perhaps?

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This is a touchy subject for me as my Dad was killed by a drunk driver when I was seven and that is why I started the thread as I never drink and drive but was concerned over the morning after aspect of being over the limit.


My tipple as I have mentioned is Vodka and my measures are probably double of what you get in the pub so can anyone tell me how many units are in a single Vodka please. :thumbsup:

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one 25ml (standard size) shot is one unit.


The elimination time depends on your age, health and the state of your liver. 1 hour per unit is the average.

The elimination time would be calculated from when you start drinking, not stop drinking.

So if you have 4 pints over an evening, starting drinking at 8pm, you can drive by 4am in the morning, if you're average.

If you have 8 pints, that should be 1200 the next day, by which time you've probably just about crawled out of bed as drinking 8 pints takes several hours at least.

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