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The morning after the night before - still over the limit?

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im learning to drive at the moment and i have to say i dont think i would drink the next day at all as i know im terrible the next day

You cutting down then katy? :D


If I go out and have a skinfull and am at work next day then I go into work on the bus. If its a weekend then I wouldn't drive at least til the afternoon......if at all.

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You cutting down then katy? :D


If I go out and have a skinfull and am at work next day then I go into work on the bus. If its a weekend then I wouldn't drive at least til the afternoon......if at all.

lol if i was a driver then i have to say i wouldnt drink so much if anything if i knew i had to drive anywhere the next day

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no, I disagree... you can "feel" perfectly fine, cyclone, but your perception of how fit you feel, with regard to driving, and how fit you actually are to drive have no correlation.



Maybe you don't get hangovers, but I can tell you for a fact that if I drink enough to still be over the limit the next day, then i'll have a bad hangover.

If I don't have a hangover, then it might mean that i've had enough to still be over the limit, but either way i won't drive and i'll most likely have a fry up and then go back to bed.

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Maybe you don't get hangovers, but I can tell you for a fact that if I drink enough to still be over the limit the next day, then i'll have a bad hangover.

If I don't have a hangover, then it might mean that i've had enough to still be over the limit, but either way i won't drive and i'll most likely have a fry up and then go back to bed.


I think this must be another 'everyone is different'. I used to be able to drink 2-3 bottles of wine, wouldn't be all that drunk and wouldn't ever get a hangover. Now I couldn't even drink one bottle if I tried, and would feel like death the day afterwards just for trying.

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Ive heard that if you drink water the next day after pernod it makes you feel p**sed again but I don't thinks it's true! :suspect: Cyclone give me your wisdom is it true or has someone been pulling my leg!:confused:


One of my favourite drinks, but definitely one of the worst for hangovers. It does kick you again part way through a hangover, but whether this is due to crystals in your belly or what, I don't know.


Pastis, Ouzo and Raki do the same (unsurprisingly, given the similarities).

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Ive heard that if you drink water the next day after pernod it makes you feel p**sed again but I don't thinks it's true! :suspect: Cyclone give me your wisdom is it true or has someone been pulling my leg!:confused:


I've heard the same, no idea if it's true and no ones every explained a mechanism for it beyond some vague reference to crystals. So I dunno. Maybe one day i'll try it and see, although pernod is a bit gross in large amounts.

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This has made me think how long after you have had a few drinks is it OK to drive the next morning.


I wish you could get little breathaliser kits with your booze so you could test yourself to make sure you are safe. I never drink and drive but am concerned about being over the limit the next day.


Not sure about the breathaliser kit idea as surely all it means is whether you are legal not actually whether you are safe as alcohol affects different people differently. Besides you know in yourself after a drink if its going to your head and if you are having to take a test to tell you that you are ok then surely that means you've prob had too much. If im driving i do not drink at all - not even so much as a half and i think this should be the law. The legal limit works out roughly 1 1/2 pints of average strength lager but ive known friends who can be giddy on under a pint who dont drink much. At end of day if you cant go without a drink you should be prepared to leave car at home. no drink means no grey areas about whether you are ok or not and it solves prob with people not knowing what limit is etc.


I had heard that it takes upto 12 hours for alcohol to leave your system so whenever i drive up to visit mates i avoid drinking past midnight and do not set off driving home til at least 12 hrs have passed and until im not feeling drowsy or hungover at all. This annoys my bf a bit as he wants me back as early as possible the next day but i will not drive unless i am sure that i am safe to, especially since its a 2hr drive.

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