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The morning after the night before - still over the limit?

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If you're drinking enough to be still over the limit, then you'll be hungover enough not to want to drive.



nope, a few mornings ive still actually been drunk after a heavy night nevermind reached a hangover yet!

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yeah, i've had that happen, but it's always pretty clear. If the hangover hasn't kicked in, and the world seems a little bit faster than normal (or i'm a little bit slower) then I know i'm still drunk.

To be fair, that's generally when I've had about 4hrs sleep, so working on the 1 unit per hour would tell me exactly the same thing.

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yeah, i've had that happen, but it's always pretty clear. If the hangover hasn't kicked in, and the world seems a little bit faster than normal (or i'm a little bit slower) then I know i'm still drunk.

To be fair, that's generally when I've had about 4hrs sleep, so working on the 1 unit per hour would tell me exactly the same thing.


1 unit per hour?! - that'd put me out for the full next day then?! are you sure or is that only upto a point?

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  • 4 years later...
You can get them. They aren't as accurate as the police ones and you can't rely on their readings as a defence in court, but they do give a good indication if you are over the limit but cant be relied on if they show that you arent. I would reckon if they show any reading other than zero don't drive.


Search for breathalyser on ebay.


Why get a breathaliser kits , rule of thumb - if you can start the car you can drive!


That's my rule!

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Too much emphasis is put on drink driving.

The sanctimonious drivel the coppers spout about death tolls etc. makes me laugh.



What counts, in your mind, as sanctimonious drivel? (What is the death toll these days and what was it before?)

What counts as too much emphasis? Xmas and Summer DD campaigns? A breath test at every crash? A breath test if the PC smells alcohol on a driver's breath?

Should the DD laws be repealed?

How do the coppers you know think? What do they tell you that turns you off?

What emphasis do other countries place on DD? More or less?

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They are an absolutely terrible idea! In my opinion they encourage people to drink and drive because it means they can 'know' if they are near the limit before driving. For a start, they aren't accurate on the night because you will absorb more alcohol into your system and your blood alcohol level will get higher after you've done the test.


They may be a good idea for the 'morning after' but that isn't when many people would use them.


The only safe thing to do is to NOT do it.


In my opinion, if you've reason to consider using a test kit, then you shouldn't be considering driving, whether you're actually over the limit or not.

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A few weeks ago my neighbour knocked over a little boy on our quiet estate as his Mum shouted him across the road to her. It was 8.30 in the morning and she had only just pulled off the estate so luckily the little boy only suffered a bad graze to his head and after a trip to casualty was back out playing later that day.


Anyway, my neighbour who was in a right state came to my house after the accident and I gave her a cup of tea to calm her down but my first instinct was to give her something stronger but it was 8.30 in the morning and as it happens it was a good job I didn't cos when the police came they gave her a routine breathaliser.


My question is I am sat here knecking a Vodka as I sometimes do and no doubt will have a few more. My neighbour said it was lucky she hadn't had a drink the previous night to the accident as she could have been over the limit and although the accident was in no way her fault - it would have been seen a lot differently.


This has made me think how long after you have had a few drinks is it OK to drive the next morning.


I wish you could get little breathaliser kits with your booze so you could test yourself to make sure you are safe. I never drink and drive but am concerned about being over the limit the next day.


Drinkig and driving just don't mix. All peoples metabalisms are different, some feel the effects of alcohol more than others but at the end of the day, drink or drive not both.

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One of my favourite drinks, but definitely one of the worst for hangovers. It does kick you again part way through a hangover, but whether this is due to crystals in your belly or what, I don't know.


Pastis, Ouzo and Raki do the same (unsurprisingly, given the similarities).


I've seen what Pernod does to plastic optics, it melts them, makes you wonder what is does to your insides!

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