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Pyebank School, Pitsmoor


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Gunstones, Vaughn and Colin I remember. Also remember Martin ? Manterfield. But Reville? Whitham? The old brain needs some assistance there.

As for being past it, long ago my body and brain disagreed on the subject of whether I could still play football. Body won.

Used to hang around a lot with Colin and Martin also a couple of lads called Graham Beachell and Bob Chappel spent many a happy night in the Crazy daisy getting drunk. As for the other lad I thought his name was Steven Revell but we are talking a lot of years ago. Anybody remeber Frankies brother Ian and his mate Tony Wilde? Remember Martins dad being a bit of an electrical wiz, if your radio or stereo went bust he could ususally fix it.

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Used to hang around a lot with Colin and Martin also a couple of lads called Graham Beachell and Bob Chappel spent many a happy night in the Crazy daisy getting drunk. As for the other lad I thought his name was Steven Revell but we are talking a lot of years ago. Anybody remeber Frankies brother Ian and his mate Tony Wilde? Remember Martins dad being a bit of an electrical wiz, if your radio or stereo went bust he could ususally fix it.


Hang on, the mist's clearing a little, Graham Beechill (Beachell) yep, Steven Revill yep, Tony Wilde I think so, but they were all a year or two younger than me.

Problem is all that beer in the Loco and Fox & Duck's rotted the old brain cells and started with the name remembering section. Anyone else come up with names from the mid 60s to mid 70s?

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I was at Pye Bank fron 59 to 66. I remember Mr Cook, also Miss Wheeler (she was really old), and of course the infamous Mrs Andrews (was she called Miss Hayward when she arrived, and then married a teacher from Hinde House, or is the memory playing tricks?)

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  • 3 months later...
Pitsmoor Road / Pyebank Rd is now almost gone, see my thread Pyebank is gone.


I left Andover Drive in 1976 so you arrived there in the start of the decline but it was a different place in the early days PT.


My best mate lived there at 29 until a couple of years ago, he had been in there since it was built.


I also went up there a couple of weeks ago and found Andover Drive was no more which inspired me to write the above thread but as luck would have it i filmed the whole area about 18 months ago which included the inside of my old home No67 and although the council came up to let me in and film it, it brought back a lot of memorys from my childhood being in the place i lived in from 1963 to 1976.

I went in my parents bedroom (now both gone) and my brothers bed room and my old bedroom, the same old banister at the top of the stairs i spent hours on playing at horses was still there.


I now have the film , and thank God i went to film it before it all disapeared.

i lived at num 3 pye bank rd in 83-86, i regularly dream im stil livin there, at least once a wk,the spooky thing is my daughter was visiting sheffield last yr and a few days b4 she went i dreamt that all the houses were being knocked down, i did not know she was going to sheffield and when she told me she'd been and visited pye bank,she sed guess what?i sed dont tell me, they are being knocked down?....what is in their place now? i couldn't find yr thread 'pye bank is gone'

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hello Juliediane,


What kind of time frame are we talking about.


I started at Pye Bank (infants) in Jan 1942 and left the juniors in 1948 to go to Burngreave. I left Burgreave in December 1951. Is this about the right time?


If your husband is about my age, then its possible that I knew him. I remember a Ward at Pye Bank and think he lived somewhere in the Brunswick Road/Bramber Street area but its only a guess.


Val and Sandra Summerhayes and the Scotts I don't remember.


There was a girl called June Morwood in my class at Pye Bank. She was the only person I knew that lived on Lopham Street (up near Montfort Street).


I remember the bomb crater opposite Pye Bank School.


I grew up in the Wicker area, so I went to Holy Trinity SS, not Lopham Street SS. I knew the area through the kids at school and because my grandparents lived at 72 Nottingham Street. Their house was on the corner of Nottingham Street and Monfort Street: diagonally across from the Co-Op.


Did your husband know lad called Charles Hallewell. He went to Firshill, rather than Pye Bank and then to Burngreave. He lived in house that faced onto Brunswick Road (opposite the bottom of Stockton Street) It must have been in a court at one time, before they removed the houses in front. The house would have been end-on to Bramber Street and must have been right behind where your husband lived.


Small World







My Dad is Charles Hallewell 70 next week you are right on all of the above-he married Rita Taylor had three daughters and now lives in Chapeltown.His older brother was Grenville,sadly past away 9yrs ago.You seem to know him well,can I help.






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