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Any ex Firth Park School lads n lassies out there?

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anybody remmember mrs allcock big old girl used to ride a moped to school[/quoter



she used to do the disco dancing classes!!


yes she taught us the dance moves to saturday night fever :hihi:


kick ball chain, kick ball chain, turn turn turn and point! (I still remember it) :hihi:

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I did'nt go to Firth Park but knew I few people that did. Just wondering if anyone know/knew Jacqueline Cutts and Julie Hyman? They would have been in the 5th form in 78-79. They were mates with Karen Darling?


Also wondered what happened to Duanne Richards and Paul Moody. Used to sprint with those guys?

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Just got reading and felt quite sad at the teachers deaths, but don't expect they live forever eh!


I was in the same year as you dongle and tika and felt really shocked to hear of Wallers death, tragic. He was a bit of a lad but I always got on with him. I bought my first pair of hockey ice boots off Eirey. I remember Jacko and his famous cheesies, he did my head in until I realised he actually had a softer likeable side really. I saw all the Raffo brothers perhaps about year or 2 ago, and they are all doing well in their jobs and are lovely, weird seeing everyone older though.The list goes on I expect.

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i left in 1985-1986

have just spent an hour or so reading through the posts its

amazing how many memories its brought back


can anyone remember mr chamberlain he was either a history or a geography teacher ???

the last i knew of him he was suspended for something to do with a stolen car which one of the ex-pupils had taken

i remember mr weeta :hihi: even though he had a downer on many of the guys i still enjoyed his lessons

i remember the crazy napoleonic french teacher

i remember mr piper as i had one or two disagreements with him

i can also remember a chemistry teacher who taught in the science block

in my first couple of years but i cant for the life of me remember his name

i remember mr harrisons physics lessons


i remember the very fit young english teacher (my sister still sees her now and again )

i remember mr adams from the brushes building he taught us art i think

but was also our form teacher for the last year


i was in the same class as simon yeardley,robin casswell,howard parrott,

adrian kirk, simon ellis , justin ? (half cast guy cant remember his second name )

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