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Any ex Firth Park School lads n lassies out there?

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In fact you most be Simon as i use to know Martin really well lost touch about 2 years ago just wondering if now you have contact with him and whats micheal up to these days If by any chance you are in contact with martin could you let him know that i was so sorry to hear about micheala and hope hes doing well.Thank you Elle..........

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:D did anyone go to firth park school between 80 and 84 and know me, Rob Kirkham, i would love to hear from old school friends and talk about the old times and catch up on what they are doing now,also i married another firth parky we didn't know eachother at school though as we were in different years, Sheena Bown,
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I was at Brushes in the mid 70s. I remember lots of stories about the ghost and kids that swore they'd seen her. I think the most scariest sight though was watching Alan Smith "Adolph" walk into his History class and give out grief to his students!!!


i was at school in the 70s, started in 1972 and left in 76. i was wondering i might know you. we had classes at north building as well as brushes.

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