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Any ex Firth Park School lads n lassies out there?

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Does anyone remember the crazy, eccentric, strict (but very clever) music teacher at Firth Park, surely you do. If anyone dared to yawn in class you had to hope and prey he did not catch you or you'd be oiked out to pay a pittance of singing an octave in front of the class or a blackboard rubber thrown your way or the fact you could almost have peed yourself with his loud booming voice directed at you. The days of schooling!

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Can't remember what subject he actually taught, but he was very small and slim. Think he was married to another teacher. Saw Mr.Brunt recently he has mellowed alot and still looks like Barny Rubble, he rememberd me!

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I went to that school, I left in 1988. I remember one of the cleaners to be scared out of hers wits when she was alone there cleaning, after school hours. She insisted that she heard the furniture(tables) being moved around in the room above her, she heard them being dragged on the floor. She went to check and found they were in the same place as she left them with the chairs up-turned on the top ready for floor cleaning. She left the building at this point.

Everyone reckoned the Ghost was in the tower (rumours), and it just so happened the door at the top of the stairway was always locked. We had dares going up those stairs to the doors!.

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The tower was originally going to stay as it was listed and after they knocked the school down last summer the tower was standing alone.

It was surveyed and thought to dangerous to stay so had to be demolished which was a great shame.

It opens in September as a college as rightly pointed out by Markham and my son starts there on day 1 on IT studies.


Good to see some good come out of it and the ghost should be more comfortable in there than a drafty old school.:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by chezlyn

Does anyone remember the crazy, eccentric, strict (but very clever) music teacher at Firth Park, surely you do. If anyone dared to yawn in class you had to hope and prey he did not catch you or you'd be oiked out to pay a pittance of singing an octave in front of the class or a blackboard rubber thrown your way or the fact you could almost have peed yourself with his loud booming voice directed at you. The days of schooling!



Yes - Mr Jackson! No relation to Mrs Jackson, the other music teacher. He drove that blue Ford Escort cabriolet.


You call him eccentric? I call him a nutter! If he caught you yawning or chewing gum in class...500 lines for you!


He used to spend most of the lesson insulting pupils.


Last I heard (a few years ago) he was sacked from another school for throwing a boardduster at a pupil!

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