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Any ex Firth Park School lads n lassies out there?

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After over 30 years of never thinking about F.P S. I am on here cos I dreamt about the Bailey twins and Anne Lawson last night._ Dont ask me why, or why now even !!!


A quick Google brought me here....

I went through all my school life with these girls , to Beck Rd first, then onto F.P S.


any way anyone of a similar age, you may know me... And yes Judy Powell, definately a Fox!!! LOL

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I let in 1984 after staying on to do A level's.


I've been trying for ages to find some photo's of the inside of the old Brushes building, but so far no one seems to have any...... a real pity, because some of the rooms, the main staircase and some of the fireplaces were really beautiful.

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i'm fairly new to this site and ive been reading a load of the archives about the stocksbridge bypass.


Im very interested about the exitance of ghosts and in particular the Firth Park old building Brushes (because it is very near to me).


I read in the Star when they first started pulling the old building down that the builders refused to proceed until they had a exorcism ( you have to excuse the spelling there).


I felt that that was wrong!!! if it was haunted, then it was haunted for a reason, and if the exorcism didnt work it will be interesting to see whether the ghost (Norma i think she was called) will still be ocuping the new building!!


I just wondered what everyone elses view are!!!

I left FPSin 1983 and spent the last 2 years based at the Brushes. An old Physics teacher, who was a bit of a cynic, did admit that things 'happened'.

There was one time when all the light bulbs (from fittings in very high ceilings) were found found placed on the work benches in a locked lab one morning. Also, apprently the caretakers dog used to refuse to go up to the 3rd floor (can't remember if it was known as floor 1). This was a narrow corridor at the top of some stairs. I think there were 2 classrooms on it and the very end one had a 'secret' staircase behind it that lead to another part of the building. There's the usual stories about grey ladies wandering the grounds etc.

If you can get hold of a book by Spike Johnson (rare as rocking horse poo!) called 'The Brushes, A story', this gives all the history of Brush House. He was a fascinating man who used to teach there.

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I think i left about 82-83 it was such a s"*t place i have tried to block it out of my memory.My name was Mark Spotswood then.All i can remember was my first true love,Claire Roe. And the queen of punk Alison Royals.(thankyou for getting me into SIOUXSIE)


I remember Roylesey :)

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Teapots real name was Martin Parkinson, lived near the shops on shiregreen.

As far as i can remember they moved up to scotland where his dad was an inspector on the oil rigs at the time.

Nice to see your ok Dean, remember the christmas party on shiregreen just before we left school ?


Yeah i remember that party VERY well,at bernies house,his parents came back to find the house full of drunk teenagers,and carpets soaked in beer.

I went to Bury that morning to watch wednesday,and had a massive hangover,had to walk the 7 miles home too,in time to catch mi old fella before he set off to the game!

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The Brushers story is in the sheffield library had it out a few weeks ago


Yes but I've tried buying copy in the past and it's impossible. I don't go near library books.....always end up having some freak accident with them if I borrow one :hihi:

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