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Any ex Firth Park School lads n lassies out there?

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:wink: I left in 1982..shame about the old Brushes building :cry:


i left firth park school in 1976 we were all told about the ghost and many other ghost stories by a scout leader called spike the only thing that haunts me is getting the stick off the head teacher at Brushes nick named Adolf for good reason Any 1 else experience his sadism. YOU COULD TELL BY THE LOOK ON HIS FACE HOW MUCH THAT ******* ENJOYED IT

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Yes - Mr Jackson! No relation to Mrs Jackson, the other music teacher. He drove that blue Ford Escort cabriolet.


You call him eccentric? I call him a nutter! If he caught you yawning or chewing gum in class...500 lines for you!


He used to spend most of the lesson insulting pupils.


Last I heard (a few years ago) he was sacked from another school for throwing a boardduster at a pupil![/QUOT



I had many a miserable hour in John Jacksons class & had the misfortune of his wrath when I vomited on the City Hall stage during Speech Day .... Bad, bad memories :(

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I was there from about 1970 to about 1976. I remember 'Pod' Harrison particularly well. He was pleasant enough most of the time, but nasty enough when riled. I thought most of the teachers were spectacularly ghastly. When I joined the school it was changing over from a Grammar school and becoming Comprehensive, so Firth Park was getting girls for the first time and pupils who were, let us say, not quite as sparkling as the teachers were used to dealing with.


Much of the time my classes were divided between Firth Park Brushes and Hatfield House Senior school, and so my recollections of who was where might have become dimmed with age. However, I remember Mr Renshaw, the physics teacher. In school assembly he used to sing the descant parts of the hymns. When I first heard him do this I thought he was having a stroke.


Chemistry, if I remember rightly, was a guy called Mr Upton, and then someone called Mr Prince joined the staff later. I remember the brilliant stinks from the labs. Both seemed pretty good teachers. I got my Chemistry O'level so neither of them was particularly useless.


Art was Mr Bee. And Mr Tingle. (I think that's right.) Oh, and Mr Shreeve. Again, I might be confusing some of these with teachers at Hatfield House Lane Senior.


But for certain there were a couple of unpleasant teachers, name of Alan 'Adolf' Smith (history) and a Mr Bonnet. They were always on the prowl in the corridors looking for pupils to punish.


I best not say anymore of what I thought of these two.


More later.



You must be Paul if I remember right you used to live on fairthorn road?

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You must be Paul if I remember right you used to live on fairthorn road?


im pete who lived on dial way yes i remember pod he wasnt so bad but 1 day when somebody called him pod he proper kicked off cos it related to him having something wrong with his feet toes or something cant you remember those massive shoes he wore i studied ha ha applied physics with him and managed a cse grade 5 lol I honestly learned more about electric shocks than anything else. We had to remove everything to do with picture from a tv starting with the tube ,this would apparently leave us with a tv with superb record quality sound but nothing to watch lol The health and safety in them days was a right chuckle

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I left Firth Park School in 1991.


Some great/bad memories, mainly great.


The teachers where OK, some right nutters though!

(Mr Jackson the music teacher being the nuttiest!)


I'd like to catch up with Mr Seddlemier (or however it was spelled)

No idea how he was earning his money as a teacher......


Anybody remember Mr Jones for Biology??? He was a right laugh!!

we used to call him heir sedelmeir great teacher i thought although he did report me for engraving on his kettle and i got the stick he was our metalwork teacher and it was great fun we used to nick micrometers and all sorts i got a cse grd1 best result i ever got

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hi, did anyone go to school with kevin senior at firth park, between 62 and 68? please email me if you did fayesenior@hotmail.com as its his 60th birthday party soon, and would like to get old chums together thanks :)


Are you sure you have the correct dates?

Firth Park Grammar School didn't accept children untill they passed the "eleven plus" exam.

Being eleven in '62 gives a birth date of '51.

i.e. 60 years old in 2011.


I was there from '62 to '67....but don't remember a Kevin Senior, sorry.

That's not surprising though....it would be impossible to remember everyone. It was a big school.

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