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Any ex Firth Park School lads n lassies out there?

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Originally posted by fox20thc

I left Firth Park in 1985. anyone remember Mr Barr? He was head of Wisewood Comp until last september.


Ahh the memories of torturing him when he began teaching us having just qualified.


Hi there. I remember Mr Barr. He was my form tutor in roughly 1989. Thought he was gorgeous. The one and only crush I had on a teacher. He left a couple of years later. I left in 1993.

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Originally posted by JULIEBROWN1

I LEFT FIRTH PARK SCHOOL IN 1976, remember mr piley , mr jackson and mr brunt what was the old physics teacher called in the tower at the brushes the one with the funny foot


I left in 76 Julie we may know each other what class were you in?

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Ididnt go there I am looking for my cousins who went to firth park school it as got to be 20 years since I have seen them and I want to know if they did go there as I might be able to trace them after all this time I am hoping that they still live in or around the daffidol estate hence this is the only shot I have got to try and find them I went up there in the summer of this year to see if there house was still there and I was confronted with 2 new houses what had been built in between the old houses for the life of me I cant think what the road is called all this is above board if you go down the road what take you into the firth park shops the ones were the trams use to run there is a pub a fairly big pub just off the main road and if you walk straight up that road to the top thats where the davisons use to live.

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I left Firth park school in 2002 but I do remember mr Twineham and Mr piper. I remember that whenever we messed about in lesson Mr Piper used to bang a broken golf club on the table to get our attention. Those were the good old days. Did anyone else leave in 2002?

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