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Any ex Firth Park School lads n lassies out there?

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On 12/01/2021 at 19:35, jonthekeys said:

Hi folks

It's me - the hated wackojacko ,,,

I've just spent an interesting hour reading all the posts here.  I'm sorry that I made life so unpleasant for many of you - I've mellowed a lot since you knew me (I think!), and I'm pretty ashamed of some of the things I got up to.  But like all of you, I've found it fascinating to read about people whose names I remember so well - both staff and pupils.  And it's good to read about your successes in your lives post-FPS.

Over the years I've dropped into this topic just out of interest to see any posts of interest from the early 80's when I was at FPS. I'm not one to post, and social media isn't my cup of tea (or coffee, as the John Jackson I knew drank) 

On seeing this post by jonthekeys I must admit to being sceptial if this is a legitimate post, but on reading I believe it maybe so I will assume so. 

John - not all who knew you have unpleasant memories. My school years are great memories, Im probably one of the few who would love to do a rerun! 

My fond memories of every production I was in under your direction are all down  to you and the excellence you created. Being in the choir was also a great memory, I was fortunate to meet and get to know the great 'Spike' who also joined us at his then great age. 

Our concerts at the Cathedral also have kept in my mind over the years, I must admit to still sing to myself 'This is the truth' 'The King has come' 'The Virgin Mary had a baby boy'! Lol, makes me chuckle. 

I must admit, and I can tell you know it, yes you had a certain way about you, not a lot of patience??... especially for fools I think..? 

Well, I for one thank you for being part of my memories, from being a Chorus member singing about Ice cream, to having a spiffing time watching the races, to then being a Teddy boy, and also to having the odd lines as a begger, and not to forget a Montague servant/guard. 

Only the true JJ will recollect. And always remember to draw the circle around one's face and make them smile..... ☺ 

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Hi there

i was at Firth park brushes from 1972-76 and use to knock around with Andrea Benn..Angela Martin and others

These are some names I remember

Denise Longmore…Joy Taylor……Dawn Edison… Beverley Almond

please contact and let’s share memories

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On 02/03/2013 at 22:09, blues1 said:


pete crapper lives on stubbin lane not far from brushes hes a good friend:love:


---------- Post added 02-03-2013 at 22:33 ----------



Teapot was martin parkinson who left in 1976 and can be found on fb brushes north group which has realy took off


---------- Post added 02-03-2013 at 22:48 ----------



lol Anne Lawson, I had a cheap ring from the market and had her name engraved on it and gave it to her at youth club on bell house road as a love token but she knocked me back.Faired a lot better with Mandy Green and Susan (fatty) May allthough my mate peter crapper passed her on to Donkey Man


---------- Post added 02-03-2013 at 23:01 ----------




Too damn right I did and I love to catch up with my old pals who are you? Its surprising you can remember my dogs name as I didnt have it for that long

Hi only just joined this site but making some good memories. 

I was at fp from 72 until 77 also went to Firs Hill with both Sandra South & Julie French, Sandra South was my 1st ever girlfriend 

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On 15/03/2021 at 15:48, Janner said:

I left the Red Caps in 1946, I often wonder what happened to the school photos which used to be taken on the playing field.

I left in 1964 and recall the photographs displayed on the corridor wall opposite the gymnasium.

Our photographs were taken in the school yard.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 31/03/2020 at 17:41, Ronald Fairfax said:

I was at Firth Park Grammar school from1950 to 1956. I am afraid I left with no GCEs. I only wish the masters who taught me  were alive to see how I redeemed myself largely as a result of the excellent  educational foundation they provided. I gained matriculation qualifications at Evening class and  on to undergraduate and post-graduate studies and a career as a lecturer away from the multiplicity of dead-end jobs I had after leaving school. I went on to write two novels and a history of a WW1 Medic plus a number of TV/VDO documentaries two of which were "The Sheffield Story " and "Sheffield  at War" It is a long time now but I had very good friends there....Daz Smith, Gary Lycett, Tony Deacon, Rob Kaye, Tony Justice, Stu Gulliver Mick Harker, Barry Littlewood Brian Moorhouse  Others have escaped my memory Ron. Fairfax


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Ron Fairfax I remember you very well, not as a school pal but as a character in the year or two above me. I was at fpgs 52 to 57 and had a similar end to my schooldays as you. I got as far as Transitus Science but dropped out being anxious to get working. I remember several of the names you mentioned, Barry Littlewood, Tony Justice, who i met again in later life. I spent my teens in and out of jobs ( easy in the fifties). I finally ‘straightened up and flew right’  with a career in electrical engineering at Yorkshire Electricity where I met two more ex-redcaps, Eric Damms and Pete Digby. I maintained contact with Eric until his death about five years ago. 
It was good seeing your posts as I was beginning to think I was the last survivor. It cheered me no end. 
my close mates at school  were Ray Brocklebank, Os Robinson, Rodney Capill, Vic Burgin and others. 
I should have said at the outset I am Brian Ayres but it’s unlikely to ring a bell for you. 
Oh, and I joined the Scout troop briefly where Daz Smith was my Patrol Leader if you meant a pupil (I think there was a Daz Smith teacher there round that time)

Best wishes to you Ron

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  • 7 months later...
On 12/01/2021 at 19:35, jonthekeys said:

Hi folks

It's me - the hated wackojacko ,,,

I've just spent an interesting hour reading all the posts here.  I'm sorry that I made life so unpleasant for many of you - I've mellowed a lot since you knew me (I think!), and I'm pretty ashamed of some of the things I got up to.  But like all of you, I've found it fascinating to read about people whose names I remember so well - both staff and pupils.  And it's good to read about your successes in your lives post-FPS.

But don't believe everything you read!  I never threw blackboard rubbers at pupils - mainly because I can't throw for toffee and it would have missed its mark and hit someone else!  I was never any good at throwing, catching or hitting a ball.  I remember a staff rounders match in which, somehow, I and John Sherwood ended up the only two left in to bat.  I would miss the ball and run to first base.  Then John hit a rounder and set off at speed; I had to run ahead of him all the way round.  Then I missed the ball, ran to 1st base, he hit a rounder ... and so on.  We won the match and it took the rest of the day for me to recover!

And I never made anyone sing an octave - pure fiction!


Speaking of fiction -  dodger23,  you write a very good story about 'Cabaret', but I never said any of the words you put in my mouth!  However, I'm most interested in the response from dropout:


I vaguely remember going to the (Firth Park) "Cabaret" performance at the SUDS one night, way back when....but I couldn't have remembered who was in it - or what the heck it was about.

Anyhow, it turned out, 30 years or so later, I turned up a Vinyl LP copy of the Firth Park School, Cabaret performance - in my records collection.

I managed to contact one of the names who was on the sleeve credits(It wasn't John Jackson,)...and asked how many LPs they had made...etc.

I think he said either 500 or 1,000.

Anyway, it turns out, or appears, that it is NOT yet a collector's item...and I still have the vinyl LP, rotting away somewhere.!


I'd love to listen to that record, because we never made a recording of that production!  If you really have a record, send me an mp3 of it ...


All the best to all you folk who passed through the school while I was there.   Like you, I have so many memories. 

Been doing some reminiscing about my time at Firth Park (Grammar) School and came across this. I'm trying to remember which years I was involved with your musical productions. I remember being a chorus member in Oklahoma! (1971?) followed by Carousel and then Brigadoon. After I left school in 1973, I returned to play flute in the orchestra for several productions including Fiddler on the Roof and the production of The Boyfriend/Cabaret (1978), but am not sure which other productions I was involved with. Still have fond memories of those productions along with playing in the school orchestra, wind band, and singing in the choirs (especially the male voice choir).

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