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Any ex Firth Park School lads n lassies out there?

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Originally posted by Darkling

Mr Brunt, Mr Pasley, Mr Critchley, Mr Dooley, Ms Ryan, Mr Webb, Miss Howdle, Mr Beeley, Mr Piper, Mr Lockwood, Mr Longley, Mr Copley, Mr Cheadle, Dr Hartley, Mr Mosforth, Mrs Standing etc etc....


i left in 2004 mr critchley is still there, mr webb left a couple of years ago, mr piper is still there as is mr mosforth and mr longley. mrs standing left a couple of years ago too.

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Originally posted by bigkev

Ididnt go there I am looking for my cousins who went to firth park school it as got to be 20 years since I have seen them and I want to know if they did go there as I might be able to trace them after all this time I am hoping that they still live in or around the daffidol estate hence this is the only shot I have got to try and find them I went up there in the summer of this year to see if there house was still there and I was confronted with 2 new houses what had been built in between the old houses for the life of me I cant think what the road is called all this is above board if you go down the road what take you into the firth park shops the ones were the trams use to run there is a pub a fairly big pub just off the main road and if you walk straight up that road to the top thats where the davisons use to live.


the road with the pub on is called Beavercotes Road, the cross road at the top of that is called Windmill, and then the estate is called the flower estate as all the roads are named after flowers, i am afraid i don't know any davisions as i left firth park school in 2004.

i hope this is off some help.

P.s. the pub is called The Warncliff Hotel :)

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miss nunn is still there, a suspected lesbian as she looks ancient and still is a miss.

she doesn't cry now tho, as she is really strict.

i used to annoy her in lessons, she sat me right at the front and next to a lad, we always used to fight, in a nice way, and she hated it. she was forever shoutin at us.


most of the teachers are old but they are employin younger ones to replace them, as a lot of staff are retiring.

mr jones, or jesus jones as we liked to call him, was there for thirty yrs b4 he retired.

he got the nickman due to the sandles he always wore and the beard. god he used to shout and spit in ur face.


mr tiffen was there for three yrs, and has now move to swansea, he was a cool teacher, although he never did sort out duke of edinbourogh.


then there is mr scherewode, the history teacher, i recently went back to school and all the yr 7s were complaining that he was really stirct and that they all kept getting detentions, which are now calle C3s and are an hour long.


its good to see somethings havent changed, mr scherewode could be strict but he was always up for a laugh, he still keeps the whole class in for 10mins at dinner and lets them go one by one.



i have grate memories from that school.... and a couple of bad ones...


my first love was in yr 10 of that school, how i will never forget that..... :rolleyes::D

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  • 4 weeks later...

I Left in 2000, when I had teachers like mr Jones - Jesus jones,Mr piper,Mr longley and many more.But never see any

old friends from school:(

Yetti_becky I know what you mean with mr jones I used to have front row seats when I had his classes, Need a umbella over myself everytime he shouted, like a heavy downpour:hihi:


Mo'laycock still headteacher:loopy:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I left firth park in 1976 as did my wife ( peter ellis, kathryn goldie) Mr jones used almost have a heart attack with me just because i couldn`t play a note. does anyone remember mr (pod) harrison the physics teacher. He used to teach at the brushes building and have a large armchair in his lab. He also always had a pot of tea with him.

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