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Any ex Firth Park School lads n lassies out there?

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COme on Jay jay slightly crazy physics teacher in the tower at brushes the man who would wind up the vandergraff generator to maximum potential and then discharge it down the back of your neck had to be Pod Harrison great teacher did rather well out of his APPLIED PHYSIC S course I left FRTHPK in 1979 my current wife left in 1980. most people dont remember me but one or two do.


nice memories glad they are not futures ( i think)

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I left FRTHPK in 1979 my current wife left in 1980. most people dont remember me but one or two do.


nice memories glad they are not futures ( i think) [/b]



MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM current wife ?:suspect:


How many more are you thinking of having Foxprom :hihi:

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curent wife is fine have no need for any others have know her long enough, Had somenone approach me at work tonight New comedy club Last laugh at the roundhouse who asked if i had been at firth park school and left in 1979 I said yes why were you and he said yep sure did he remembered me but went without giving me his name and he was a bit tipsy. and I was busy .

Nice to be noticed though and I am sucha shy wallflower typpe of guy

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Originally posted by fox20thc

I left Firth Park in 1985. anyone remember Mr Barr? He was head of Wisewood Comp until last september.


Ahh the memories of torturing him when he began teaching us having just qualified.

Does Fox remember SheShe:) :)

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i left firth park in 1995 and for the guy who asked i remember Dr hartley i do miss the school and is there anbody there who went to the two sleepins between 1991 and 1995 we went up the old tower stairs and up to the top corridor at midnight with only torch light i needed spare pants on both nights really scary but also very funny especially the one person who i hid under one of the old science tables with and lets just say had some innocent fun with.

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I have just come across this thread as I am a relative newbie to the forum.........


I left Firth Park School in 1975 at the end of the fourth year............didnt want to stay on.wanted to earn some money!


I remember Mr Brunt.........i think it is safe to say he wasnt my favourite teacher (!).........but does anyone remember 'Spike' Johnson the history teacher.........he was great ........used to tell us all about the ghost of the brushes building.something about the butler murdering someone , or was it that he was murdered by someone?.........it was something to do with the maid anyway , i think.lol


A very happy 2006 to everyone!:partyhat:

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Spike, now that name brings back memories, He was the nicest teacher ever, everyone from that era must remember spike. I remember the very first time he taught me, he caught me talking in class, picked up a slipper and took me into the next room, he then started to hit the table with it, of course all the other kids in the classroom thought he'd given me a good slippering. Everyone who was taught by spike knows he was totally incapable of any form of punishment. A dear old man who sadly is no longer with us. I left firth park in 1974, and regretably left Sheffield in 1996.

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