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Can anyone else remember the Maypole and Morris Dancers in Woodhouse?

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Can anyone remember the MAypole and Morris dancers in Woodhouse village in the 70's?. We also had the May QUenn festival too. What happened to it though?. IT would be fantastic to have it all happening again, and this time, for everyone to know the real meaning of the MAypole, Morris Dancers and the May QUeen. But we, as children loved it, and it was usually somebody form our school (shirebrook) that got picked for Mayqueen. But, a fun time had for all............bout time it was repeated.


Destiny x

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unfortunately i haven't any pikkies.........i was only 8 years old, and from what i can remember, it happened every year until i was about 11/12 years old. Wandering if anyone else remembers it?


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Join Date: Jul 2006

Location: clowne (used to be woodhouse)

Posts: 1

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This isn't going to be in the least bit confusing, is it? :suspect:


Stix, you may want to change your username - if you don't want people to think you're a sarcastic cat-hating recluse who spends all day on the internet ;)

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