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All I can remember is snow

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Anybody fancy sledging? :D


When we were over there at Christmas my husband, an Aussie, made his first snowman (with some direction from me of course) It was the best looking snowman I ever saw. If he had a sledge I know there would have been no stopping him. So-if you have a good sledge I'll let you know when we are there again.

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I have written a diary since 1982 (when I was 12/13) and always comment on weather if it is of interest which in this country, it quite often is!


Although they are not at hand to check, I recall it being very cold in 1986 around January and February. The pipes in our loft froze then split leaving water running down the walls. I don't however recall there being a huge amount of snow.


Early in 1987 I went up to Redmires and the dam was frozen solid. I picked up a bottle and threw it onto the ice expecting it to break (the ice). It didn't; the bottle just spun madly on the thick sheet of ice.


As for large snowfalls I have to go back further. We had a bit in 1983, but the most snow I've ever seen was around Christmas 1977 and into 1978. School was shut for quite a while - in fact everything was. For an eight year old it was bliss.


We certainly don't seem to get the same heavy snow as we used to. The last one was around 1992/1993 IIRC.


I shall have to consult those diaries...,

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Sledging - Cricket (of a fielder) make offensive remarks to (an opposing batsman) in order to break their concentration. [OED]


Yes, the Aussies might be renowned for it, but it doesn't take much to break our batsmen's concentration anyway!!

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Sledging - Cricket (of a fielder) make offensive remarks to (an opposing batsman) in order to break their concentration. [OED]


Yes, the Aussies might be renowned for it, but it doesn't take much to break our batsmen's concentration anyway!!


No wonder I didn't know what sledging meant in Oz.. I cannot stand cricket.

Weird I have never heard the expression anywhere else though... Aussies aren't renowned for verbal restraint.. anyway.. I learned something else thanks!

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