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Hillsborough Baths


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the teddy boy life guard who looked like elvis, actually is an elvis impersonator, he lives near the five arches.

personally i couldn't stand him, he always used to come round as you were getting changed and open the curtains, for a 12 yr old this was very embarassing.

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  • 1 month later...
Originally posted by Joey

I drove down Herries Road yesterday and saw him mowing his lawn. He must be 50 or more, but still has boot polish black hair and side burns. Used to look cute, now looks sad !!


I so agree with you, Chris lives round the corner from me, known him for years, ever since I was a kid. Think he's losing the plot somewhat!

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  • 3 months later...

I learned at Hillsborough too and used to go on Friday nights. There was a girl called Francine and a boy called Frances in my class. My teacher was Mr Lindley and I found him ok.


I remember diving down for the black brick and life saving and making floats with pyjama bottoms. And me, my sister and our friend (who we used to take with us) all got pushed in by him, fully clothed.


But I think its how you perceive things, I thought it was all part of the fun. He told my dad beforehand he would do it, so my dad had a change of dry clothes for me.


I remember the drink machine and those Bovril flavour crisps on the way out ...

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I'm another one who learned in Hillsborough baths, in the late 60's as a little lad. My dad taught me.


I remember that guttering that ran round the edge....good to hold on to. I liked the changing rooms down each side of the pool.


Later when we went with the school it was Upperthorpe. I loved the hot chocolate from the machine afterwards.


I remember queueing up for what seemed like hours to get into Sheaf Valley baths when they first opened. They had Rolf Harris......and he did a picture which hung on the wall for years. It took me several years to 'tell what it is yet'


Those lights on the wall with the siren that told you when to get out, and the awful changing rooms with those horrible little coat hangers to put all your stuff on.

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  • 1 month later...
We used to go regularly to Hillsborough Baths when I were a lad!

There used to be a regular chant at this time "Hit him wi' thi wellow!

We used to call at the Co-op on Hillsborough Corner and get a bag of broken biscuits to eat on the way home.

We lived on Parson Cross then and we also used to go to the Ritz.

Who else remembers this? Let us know.


My Father introduced me to Hillsborough baths in the early sixtees. I lived at Foxhill and continued to go with my mates. Jack's Saspirella shop at the top of Bamforth Street was our refreshment stop afterwards.


I assume you are aware that it is now a pub and that quite a lot of the interior decor remains as it was.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I too learnt to swim at hillsborough baths it took me a while but I was so pleased came in very useful on holiday last year as I fell off a boat into 70 foot deep lock on the river servern head first only problem I hate getting water higher than my neck.

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I remember the baths as a kid, it was a bit slack when you had to share the change area with a stranger, I think they called it that because sometimes the change would be missing out of our pockets when we got out.

I started going with my brothers in the early sixties on Saturdays, it was a great pick up place in those days, a couple of girls came from the Stannington area so it was a very enjoyable time for my Brother & I walking them home through Riverlin Valley every week, what an education I received, if you're out there, THANKS.

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I started going with my brothers in the early sixties on Saturdays, it was a great pick up place in those days, a couple of girls came from the Stannington area so it was a very enjoyable time for my Brother & I walking them home through Riverlin Valley every week, what an education I received, if you're out there, THANKS.


Mmm, I'm sure they received an education too !!

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