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Hillsborough Baths


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Wow all of you, what memories. My grandfather owned Wards Mens outfitters across from the baths, and I suppose I was lucky to be able to have learned to swim in the evenings when the bath's where closed to the public. So I never got to meet these interesting people. I came to Canada in 1968. Are the baths still there. Jan Softly ( Janet Ward)

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  • 1 year later...

I used to go there Saturday mornings. Don't remember the teacher's name, but we were in the top left hand corner of the pool. Mr. Lindley had the top right. Did all the badges, treading water, swimming with clothes on etc. The changing cubicles were always so cold with the little curtain that kept blowing open. After we would walk around the corner to catch the number 7 bus home, but stop in the cafe on the bridge (think it's a kebab shop now) for a hot teacake.

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The poin you make about Mr.Hawksworth is dead right,He lived on Dixon Rd. and always joined in,he was a great old man who could play footie too!!. His son goes in the Wadsley Club every night playin snooker

He used to come round our house every Sunday afternoon and get me out,we would have played in this weather too.I think he was a painter and decorator.

I am not sure about this but I think he played for Chesterfield pre-war.His son David is a carbon copy.

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I learned to swim at corperation st baths when I was 9 and the water was red hot,great, then we started going with shirecliffe school to hillsboro baths,I hated it,it was always cold,Igained my intermediate cert and my bronze medallion through mr sivier,he used to live up Bowness rd,at the time I took the test it was xmas1956 and the boiler had broken down it was freezing Ilet go of my partner about five feet from the end and he made me do it again but that was fair enough.After the sesions with the school we would walk across Holme lane and get broken biscuits from Hemmines grocers and always kick the boxes to make sure there was some for next time.Can anybody remember when it was threepence and a bath ticket to get in.

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