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Looking for musicians...

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Hi, my name is liina and I am from Estonia, I am 19. I have studyed piano plaing and classical singing. I am not very good at piano plaing but my voice is quite strong and I have sang soprano to alto. I have written songs myself but in Estonian. I am moving to Sheffield soon and being in a band would be fun.

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Hi liina - you'd be very welcome to come along (if it happens!) If it doesn't take off, I'd be interested in doing a duet thing with a singer if you'd be into that (I play guitar). Let me know when you arrive here anyway, and welcome to Sheffield!

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I think we have to start small and see how it all goes. If perhaps 3 or 4 of us were to get together and kick it all off then hopefully more will jump aboard once we're rolling. Sounds like a few of us are able to make it next thursday so shall we give it a bash? The attic rooms are a great idea but I'll still pursue the pub research as it would mean we wouldn't have to book ahead... or there's room at my place to accommodate a few until we get going?





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I play guitar quite well, although I am never the fastest learner for some strange reason. I always say i'm going to sit down and learn a tune, and then wander off five minutes later!


I play the guitar, balalaika, oud (Egyptian Lute) and the mandolin. And I sing (though only in Polish when drunk) :)


Anyway sounds like a lot of fun!


p.s anyone need a flatmate?

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Right, I've found us a corner of a nice pub we're allowed to use if we're not too loud and there's not too many of us (should be good for the first few times anyway, and it's free). If anyone wants to join me this thursday let me know and I'll PM you the pub and address (it's up Hunters Bar way - hope that's not a problem).


Hope to see a few of you there,





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