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Restaurant Review - Royal Spice


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on the topic of curries I decided to cook me girlie one last night as we've had 2 jars of curry sauce sat in the cupboard for an age and also had rice in


She's also veggie so all I bought from Somerfield's was peppers,mushrooms,onions,potatoes,2 naans,poppadoms and a pickle tray


£11.27!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I'd have bough meat and sauce and rice I may as well have ordered out


Somerfield's is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too expensive!

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Originally posted by Tony

Curry has nothing to do with heat - I'm afraid that's the "stoopeed eenglish" version they get students hooked on.


so all the recipes with chillis in them are just a conspiracy are they? its a big indian joke on the empire, is that what you're telling me?

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Well without wanting to get into a flame war (;)) Chilli isn't the essential ingredient in curry. Currying is just the method of cooking - like roasting or frying.


AND!... most of the restaurants in Sheffield are run by Pakistanis , not Indians.


But more generally... yes, the sort of curries that you're talking about are a big joke perpetrated on the English pallette that often wouldn't know a good curry if it dribbled down their chin after 10 pints. ;)


We used to go to the Anglo-Indian do's at the City Hall years ago and I don't ever remember sweating unless I was dancing. :thumbsup: But then. all the food was cooked by Indians for Indians. I miss those do's - they were the one of the best of the year.

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Originally posted by Tony

Well without wanting to get into a flame war (;)) Chilli isn't the essential ingredient in curry. Currying is just the method of cooking - like roasting or frying.


But more generally... yes, the sort of curries that you're talking about are a big joke perpetrated on the English pallette that often wouldn't know a good curry if it dribbled down their chin after 10 pints. ;)

would you agree that one of the defining features of asian food is the fact that it contains spices and herbs that make the food taste hotter than the majority of western european food? and although the heat isn't the main reason to eat the food it is a happy and most welcome bonus?


following that train of thought would you also agree that one of the main reasons to eat this food is to partake of the spiciness of the food and the heat which it brings?


in addition to this would you conclude that if you went out and paid for this food expecting to receive a spicy, flavourfilled dish with this bonus of heat and it wasn't there you would be disappointed?


also can i just say i love curry and have eaten loads of it from all over the country and my own curry recipe was acclaimed by a first generation 79 year old indian woman, who claimed that i cooked in a style very similar to how she cooked when she didn't have the use of proper ovens.


i don't want to get snotty but i feel you have judged me, patronised me and regarded meas the sort of person who drinks 15 pints of stella and orders a phaal. i'm not, i'm a genuine curry lover and this meal was dismally poor.

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