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Royce gracie seminar

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Hey Anvil,


Unfortunatly there does seem to be some small issue that doesnt seem to want to go away:suspect:


When are we going to see you down then? I seem to remember a little challange match we were going to have:hihi:

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There was two guys graded to brown belt. There were a couple of blue belts got stripes .

As far as I am aware there are only two Royce gracie network clubs in the UK.

I am sure the guys who graded were happy to get their belts and stripes from Royce and rightly so. WELL DONE!!!!!

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Ive been told that me posting that link has caused a lot of offence to certain people.


I would like to apologise to whomever may have been offended, none was intended.


I would like to also apologise to John for having to take an ear bashing on my behalf.


Anyone who was offended, please e-mail me at pleasureucanmeasure1@hotmail.com or come to see me at Gracie Barra sheffield on a monday or wednesday after 6 and i will say sorry personally. We can maybe then have a roll and put my comments in the water that goes under the bridge.


As ive been told that i caused lots of offence to lots of people i will expect lots of e-mails. Please title them "Paul's very sorry"

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In my experience Sheffield RGJJN has always been welcoming to anyone who wants to train BJJ as long as you are not an arse. This goes for all Royce Networks past and present. As for the grading I doubt very much that Royce would put his reputation on the line by grading people not up to scratch.


Well done Tim on your brown belt, much deserved.


Now lets all have a group hug.:thumbsup:

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Ive been told that me posting that link has caused a lot of offence to certain people.


I would like to apologise to whomever may have been offended, none was intended.


I would like to also apologise to John for having to take an ear bashing on my behalf.


Anyone who was offended, please e-mail me at pleasureucanmeasure1@hotmail.com or come to see me at Gracie Barra sheffield on a monday or wednesday after 6 and i will say sorry personally. We can maybe then have a roll and put my comments in the water that goes under the bridge.


As ive been told that i caused lots of offence to lots of people i will expect lots of e-mails. Please title them "Paul's very sorry"


it's not about apologising via e-mail, it's about casting aspersions about another club in a public forum. As i've said previously, it's disrespectful. John has already said he didn't feel able to attend the seminar - do you really think this will make it any easier for him in the future?


For the record, i haven't trained at RGJJN since March, and the chances of me going back there regularly are very slim, BUT, in 18 years involvement with various martial arts styles and clubs, and having a keen interest in educational philosophy and theories, i can safely say it's the best club i've been to by a country mile.


As far Royce handing out blue belts, i'm sure it's not just RGJJN who have been graded by Royce...:cool:

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As you've said its a public forum, therefore i am entitled to say what i want. I am not a keyboard warrior, everyone knows who i am so its not as if i am saying something and hiding and hiding behind a username.


How many threads are there on this forum saying how great politics are between clubs?


Are you admitting that it was made difficult for John to attend the seminar? So its possible he will be made unwelcome at future seminars?? I'm sure Royce will thank you for him not having an extra £55 in his pocket.


How many BJJ clubs have you trained at??


You are very right about the belts. If i am correct John, Greg, Adam, Andy Roberts, Ross Pettifer all got their blue from Royce. And they all deserved it!!!

I'm sure none of them were wearing tracksuit bottoms and a black vest when they got them.


I tried apologising. If its not accepted fair enough, as i said i didn't want to personally offend anyone, but whoever was annoyed by my post please DO NOT visit either sfuk or cagewarriors.


PS I've known Tim for a few years, i spoke to him after he got his brown. He's a very cool and modest guy.

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You are entitled to say what you want, if you wish to carry on saying disrespectful things, feel free to do so...


i don't know who you are, but i'm Mick :hihi: i'm not a keyboard warrior or any other kind of warrior - IMO fighting is for idiots, sportsmen and/or people with no choice, but i'd be quite happy to discuss that with you at any neutral venue (i work in the city centre so any lunch time would be fine).


i've seen one thread re: martial arts politics and i haven't read it.


I have no idea if it was made difficult for John to attend, i am as far removed from that as could be, but John did say he felt uncomfortable. They are two entirely different things.


i've trained at 4 BJJ clubs RGJJN, Gracie Barra (Mansfield), and 2 independent club (Nilson Lopes and 1 at Bolsover), as well as 3 different Judo clubs, 1 grappling club, 1 traditional Ju Jitsu club and several other clubs of various other disciplines.


Does wearing tracksuit bottoms and a black vest affect ones perfomance?


I'm not offended, i don't train there anymore, i'm just suggesting that a private apology to a public slight is inappropriate and unnecessary (i'm also free to say what i think).


I won't be visitng SFUK or any MMA forum - the lure of training for me has always been the self-defence aspect, as well as personal development and enjoyment. MMA has nothing to do with self-defence and so i have no interest.

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