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Anyone want to go Ice Skating?

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I recently went back to see if I could still Ice Skate after about 30 years absence - and am enjoying it quite a lot - can only remember how to go forwards though - seem to have forgotten backwards!


Trouble is, no one I know wants to go too - maybe my age (57, with a high giggle factor) has summat to do with it.


I usually go to Ice Sheffield Weds or Thursday evening.. anyone interested in having a laugh and learning, or helping me learn?


Kinf of nice to have someone to laugh with you when you fall over!






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Thursday it is? what time you suggest? Hours are 7:30 to 10, I think....


Looks like we're on then guys, I'll be getting there about 8.00 so I'll see you all on the ice, How will we know each other??????????????

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