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Sheffield Star these days


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I own some back issues of Sheffield Star dated year 1999, very good read indeed. Still love opening it even now, from time to time. So you see it is kept as some historical document really. I’m glad to be probably the only reader of this newspaper in Russia!


But what does it look like now after all those years. How much did they change – design, layout, logo, staff, circulation, reader audience, address, or anything?


Did they use the same font for text and headers? Any new features? Or old peculiarities?

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Originally posted by Vovakr

I own some back issues of Sheffield Star dated year 1999, very good read indeed. Still love opening it even now, from time to time. So you see it is kept as some historical document really. I’m glad to be probably the only reader of this newspaper in Russia!


But what does it look like now after all those years. How much did they change – design, layout, logo, staff, circulation, reader audience, address, or anything?


Did they use the same font for text and headers? Any new features? Or old peculiarities?


I remeber when the paper was huge!I mean size wise!

Think that was before 1999 though.If you wanted to read it on the bus you needed a WHOLE seat to youself(double one) or you would knock the person out next to you when you tried to turn the page.Much more reader friendly now i think!Think when it was big it was just black and white too!

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the star has gone through two re-vamps in recent years.


Firstly, the paper changed from a broadsheet (think Guardian-style size) to tabloid (as it is now)


then a few years later, it altered the typefaces. (it's got a more "Daily Express" feel to the typeface these days.)


it also began to feature a "pull-out" leisure section, with a "what's on" section, a TV/radio section, and within that, a nightly "specail features Section" be it music, women's issues, health, bygone times section, or whatever.





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Thanks so much indeed. So it comes out that The Star was a broadsheet once also in its style?


I know some people who said it is very hard to get used to colour-printed paper after having reading it in b&w for many years, my mother is one of them. She refused to buy her favourite Russian paper once after they added colours, but soon it was ok. But some newspapers here are still monochrome, especially small local ones.


Well Star seem to went a little bit lighter, but I remember all that “what’s on” – sections. Also classified is marvelous – sometimes much more informative than the ‘major’ sections.


I used to solve some puzzles like nonagrams and word pyramid in the Star, quite successfully, but never could cope with English crossword properly – the way words are decrypted differs badly from ours, or may be this is just me.


Ok The Star is not the only local paper in Sheffield as far as I know plus there’s a lot of national ones. You have a good choice.



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The Star has been purchased and sold on three times in teh last 7 years, each company attempting to integrate the paper into their group ethos, the paper seems to attempting to re-associate itself with the city, after levelled acusations of too much national coverage, even though I work for another newspaper I do hope they suceed.

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Thank you very much.



Originally posted by danielford99

Have a look at http://www.sheffieldtoday.net!!


Oh a lot of times danielford99

But you see there's a huge difference between printed and electronic versions. The latter could hardly represent the spirit of the former... The smell of the printer's ink at least.




Originally posted by Paul Cocker

The Star has been purchased and sold on three times in teh last 7 years, each company attempting to integrate the paper into their group ethos, the paper seems to attempting to re-associate itself with the city, after levelled acusations of too much national coverage, even though I work for another newspaper I do hope they suceed.


Could I know the name of the newspaper you work for, if you don't mind? Would be great just to know.

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Dear Lindseyw,


sorry for delay with the reply -- we have holidays in Russia at the time, busy with some other things, so I got not a chance to go online.


It is so kind of you really. I'd appreciate this a lot, but if this wouldn't be of any trouble for you.


And I'll be happy to send you something in return -- Russian newspapers (English-language e.g. for foreign people living here)...well maybe even printed in Russian ;) the one I work for, or any info on my country or Sergiyev Posad in particular.





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i like the star to catch up on local news. but sometimes it misses out on important national headlines meaning you have to by a national paper too. also, there are sometimes terrible spelling mistakes, misprints and very badly written articles!

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