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Winn Gardens: What you don't hear in the media

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Thanks Medusa and Joe :)


I do have one question for Mattuuk1. If the area as you wish to label it s such a ghetto of crime and chavvery... what the hell were you doing on there? Visiting your friends :rolleyes:


Lol here we go with its a perfect estate, i challenge anyone to go on winn gardens and see the state of the people that live there.

The attitudes of winn gardens is terrible with their out of control kiddies and disrespect for others.


I take personal offence at that being a resident and a parent!

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Thanks for the birthday wishes, fox! :)


Does your group have an acting Press Officer?


When I've worked with NPOs and community groups in teh past we always found it handy to have a nominated 'Press Officer' whose job was to make contacts with the local media and act as a single point of contact for the reporters and such.


That way, you become a 'name' to them, not just a story.


If you want to get stuff off of the letters page and possibly towards the features, attach what you're saying to an event, get a couple of photographs attached (or make it clear you have images available) and send it out as a Press Release - that way you'll get taken more seriously. You still might end up on the letters page, but they've got more to run with.



Yes Joe, that would be me :) I plan to issue a further release a week before the event. Any tips would be welcomed.

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Lol here we go with its a perfect estate, i challenge anyone to go on winn gardens and see the state of the people that live there.


Quite cross now :mad:


MattyUK1. I publicly challenge you to come back to Winn and have a walk around with me. See for yourself. As I have had the pleasure of reading your previous posts on other topics you appear on the whole to be a glass half empty kind of person. So no doubt you will decline the opportunity to actually see what the estate and its people really are all about.


The offer stands ...

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Quite cross now :mad:


MattyUK1. I publicly challenge you to come back to Winn and have a walk around with me. See for yourself. As I have had the pleasure of reading your previous posts on other topics you appear on the whole to be a glass half empty kind of person. So no doubt you will decline the opportunity to actually see what the estate and its people really are all about.


The offer stands ...


Why should i waste my time visiting the end of the world?


I wish you luck in turning winn gardens into a respectful area, but if its anythin like earlyer where kids off winn gardens were shouting verbal at a mental patient like '**** u' and '**** u ill batter you' then i dont see room for improvements.


Like joeP said 'we should help them' so next time i'll offer the kids cash or something, i wont bother complaining about some poor old man being abused by youngsters.

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good point matty! i live opposite winn gardens an i cant stand the place! its full ov children runnin riot. i try to stay away because everytime someone who is not from winn gardens goes there they get agro of thick rude boy teenages!


personally i blame the parents for not bringing there kids up proply instead more than likly spent most of the time drunk

there are alot of alcoholics and drug addicts


why are the kids i see off there always coved in dirt? do u not have running water?


i was once asked for a cig by a kid who must of been about 10 or 11, i told him to **** rite off!


the whole estate should be pulled down and all the residents sent somewhere else! its such an eyesore on this nice side of sheffield


oh and the pub "the beely wood" is rough as ****!


a running joke with my friends is that winn gardens is like the gallagher estate of shameless

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personally i blame the parents for not bringing there kids up proply instead more than likly spent most of the time drunk

there are alot of alcoholics and drug addicts



why are the kids i see off there always coved in dirt? do u not have running water?
probably because they are out playing in the dirt. Rolling about on the floor and the grass. - having fun :rolleyes:


the whole estate should be pulled down and all the residents sent somewhere else! its such an eyesore on this nice side of sheffield
The estate was there before WPV was built, you knew that when you signed the contract. ! And as for sending the residents elsewhere, what are we illegal occupants! For goodness sake.


oh and the pub "the beely wood" is rough as ****!


So nice to see you have a balanced opinion of your fellow man. Excuse me I just have to pop to the neighbours to get a cup of sugar wrap of smack



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Oh the hilarity! Coming from an 18yr old collage student (is that someone who has an obession with collage making ;) )


And in a previous post you say this:


yh i cnt see why ppl get angry and have to hurt people jst over the colour of there skin or where there from!
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i do know that there are alot of decent people on that estate, i have friends on there!


i have had alot of agro of kids on there i dunno why is it because i live across the road they think im posh or something?

its because of this i dont walk anywhere near the place anymore"


its kids like this that give it a bad name! i think i know who the group of black kids matty was on about and they shud be locked up! there tearaways! their parent dont care about them at all! its sad!


my sister was sexually assaulted on the tram by a group of teenagers from winn gardens

i think that sez enough by its self!

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my sister was sexually assaulted on the tram by a group of teenagers from winn gardens i think that sez enough by its self!


I take it she reported the crime and they were arrested?


What you are doing is falling into the trap of tarring everyone with the same brush. Both yourself and Mat have referred to the same bunch of young people. I have a good idea I know to whom you are referring and agree with you.


However the OP was to highlight that you do not judge an entire population on the actions of a few! As I have said these antisocial misfits are in the minority. I am working hard to bring together the communities of middlewood and the constant labelling of everyone such as you have does not help in the slightest.

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