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Winn Gardens: What you don't hear in the media

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oh yeah why dont u read the whole subject? i was talking about a pub beein racist i wasnt bein racist


I did, you were saying that it was unfair for someone to make judgements based on the colour of their skin or where they are from.


Comments on which I wholeheartedly agree. Unfortunately actions speak alot louder than words and principles cannot be cherrypicked to suit a particulary cause. You either believe in everyone being treated equally or you don't.

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yes im not goin to judge every person on there! only the people from there i have come across and its mostly idiot teens trying to act hard


im sure there are alot of decent people on there! jst like yourself! just like anywhere else in sheff


yeah she reported it to the police! im not sure if the teenages wer charged tho! they also smashed up a tram window at the same time!


i heard that some of that group we all know about have been in and out of prison!

also 1 of them tryed to get me to spend counterfeit £20 notes in a shop once!

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I'm a taxi driver in sheffield- every time i drop someone off there i get racial abuse from my customers....


i think that says it all- the standard of people living on that estate is very low... lack of education and a failure of parental upbringing would be the two main factors which would explain it....

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good point matty! i live opposite winn gardens an i cant stand the place! its full ov children runnin riot. i try to stay away because everytime someone who is not from winn gardens goes there they get agro of thick rude boy teenages!


personally i blame the parents for not bringing there kids up proply instead more than likly spent most of the time drunk

there are alot of alcoholics and drug addicts


why are the kids i see off there always coved in dirt? do u not have running water?


i was once asked for a cig by a kid who must of been about 10 or 11, i told him to **** rite off!


the whole estate should be pulled down and all the residents sent somewhere else! its such an eyesore on this nice side of sheffield


oh and the pub "the beely wood" is rough as ****!


a running joke with my friends is that winn gardens is like the gallagher estate of shameless


So, you live opposite Winn Gardens estate do you? Presumeably that would be on the estate where Middlewood Hospital used to be?


If so, my partner and I happened to have spent Saturday night on your estate, having been invited to dinner by friends who now live there. The evening was almost spoiled by the never-ending screaming tantrums of the kid next door. Then other neighbours started playing loud music with the doors and windows wide open, and also talking at the top of the voices. Apparently this is a regular occurance. Then as we were leaving the estate to return home, some idiot cut us up tearing along in his car.


Is it always this unpleasent where you live spiderfran28? Makes you wonder whether the whole estate should be pulled down and started again. :huh:


Mind you, "personally i (sic)blame the parents for not bringing there (sic) kids up proply (sic)".

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OH NO LOUD MUSIC AND KIDS SHOUTING! ITS THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT! personally i have never experienced anything like that on this estate! and i never said my estate was nice, i used to live in oughtibridge and i wish i still lived there!


i'd rather hear loud music and kids shouting instead of racial abuse, theft and under age drinking!

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touche Red!


Fran, racial abuse is a difficult one to level at the residents of winn who are from lots of different cultures and colours. I don't know of anyone (even the little blee*ers) who are racist.


As for under age drinking, this is not generic to the population of winn but YP in general.


Theft? Mmmm well in the 10yrs I have lived here I have never had anything stolen. (despite forgetting to lock my doors on countless occasions) :)

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