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Does anyone remember Mr Gundry ...


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  • 2 weeks later...
Was it Mrs Behan or something like that? Was she the one who used to complain that everyone sounded like a bunch of wet cabbages when they sang, or am I mixing schools up..?!


I really liked Mr Hawksworth, Mrs Finbow, Mrs Thorpe and Mrs Jones. Mrs Baker the school secretary was lovely too :D


It's a shame if the school's changed as you say, I always liked it there. I didn't want to leave to go to Meadowhead at all!


Forgot to say... yes, I do remember Mr Gundry, he was my teacher in the last year. I always remember when he sat down on a chalk drawing (of fireworks I think) one day and when he stood up, he had them all over his bum... oops.


Just realised I was having a bit of a brain block when I wrote that.... I think the music teacher who compared the choir to wet cabbages was Mrs Alder. I'm sure there was a Mrs Behan somewhere though, just don't remember if she was at Greenhill or Meadowhead!

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  • 2 weeks later...

One of my lads was at Greenhill from 1993 and one of my daughters from 1996. The lad was in Mr Gundry's class. Think he was a first aider at the time. My lad had an accident in the yard and Mr G said it was nothing. I wasn't convinced when I went to pick him up. Turned out he had broken his ankle!!! Still, we all make mistakes.


Cheers, Jass

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  • 2 weeks later...

my previous paragraph deleted itself so i will have to start again.. i myself went to greenhill, Mrs finbow was present while i was their but she left, as many other teachers did, the head at the moment was a ex-Ofsted inspector which may explain his obsession with targets. i myself thought the school was on a slope while i was there, there were arguments about the adventure playground that parents put money into, which was ignored and used to create a yard. charity events such as non uniform days for red nose day, it is £1 and 50p goes towards the school, doesn't the school get enough funding from the council? parents had felt left down and i did not want to move to Meadowhead, when i did move, it was incomparable to greenhill, and now with Meadowhead building a new school it will be even better

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