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What are you reading at the moment ?


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Havent read it yet but someone told me it was good. Its called " The Consolation of Philosophy" Dont know wether I will be able to understand it though.


You can't fail to understand it, it is the key to all understanding:)

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I'm just about to open up "Master and Commander", by Patrick O'Brien, recommended to me by my uncle over in Canada.


His taste is usually excellent, so I'm very much looking forward to the read.

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I'm re-reading all of the Harry Potter Books in preparation for the Deathly Hallows release! My claim to fame would have to be working for Barry Cunningham who signed JK Rowling to Bloomsbury, can remember how excited we all were to read something so great from the unsolicited manuscripts pile for a change! I still have nightmare about the picture book someone sent me to read about a talking shed (!) my absolute worst unsolicited manuscript ever, and not a pre-school book that was ever published as far as I am aware LOL, and breathes a sigh of relief.

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I've had three books on the go recently!


I re-read 'The Shining' a couple of weeks ago - I'd forgotten what an excellent book it is.


At the moment I'm re-reading Alvin Toffler's 'Future Shock' - written in 1970, and slightly dated in places, it's still an interesting read about how people thought the future was GOING to be.


Last week I had a train trip to make and I read Bill McKibben's 'The End of Nature' - an essay written in 1990 about Global Warming and it's impact on how we PERCEIVE the natural world. Very thought provoking stuff.

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