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Isn't there a Stephen King quote somewhere in 'On Writing' about how reading others' work and endless practice will make an average writer good, but won't make a good writer great?


I would say that reading others works will make a bad writer average,and an average writer a little better.:hihi: :hihi: Just my opinion that, but its nice to hear what others think.

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I always say, “You can learn to write, you can learn to write better but you have to have a gift to be a good writer”

But what is a good writer we all have our own opinions.



Very good point. I suppose a starting point would be to say that good writing is that which is deemed worthy of publication. There are a hell of a lot of very poorly-written books out there, though (Dan Brown et al take a bow).

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What defines a good author? There are some authors out there whose writing style and use of language is so easy to read one of their books is like inhaling information.


Alternatively there are some bad authors that have the opposite effect, to read their excruciating tomes feels like some kind of punishment.


But this is subjective, “great literary minds” may argue the Sylvia Plath & J.D Sallinger are ‘good authors’. Having read their work I would disagree. I can only attribute my inability to appreciate the “genius” of their work to the fact I am insufficiently deranged.

(Insert sarcastic rebuttal HERE, folks--->_______________ )


But I do agree that the more books you read the better writer you would become, you do indeed pick things up by osmosis or, if you have an analytical mind, you can consciously dissect the other writers work and learn from the way they do things.

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Wow. this discussion is heating up nicely!

I guess one question to be answered is: what do we mean by a good / average / great writer? You could argue that how many people continue to buy work by a particular writer is the judge - but there are some pretty obvious arguments against that...

But, taking the general principle that any writer worth his / her salt does in fact want to improve, along with the (I think fair) assertion that storytelling is a skill learned... it seems to me that reading widely is something that a writer would want to do. Or summat.

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I'm reading "Celtic Faery Shamanism" and "100 ways to improve your horses health" at the moment. I tend to read two what I call "learning books" at the same time, then get my head into a fiction book, read it all then back to two learning books. I enjoy learning from books, but ussually need to have two subjects on the go at once.

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it's tricky 'arguing' about who's good who's bad. i think tolkein was a brilliant mind-in some rainman kind of way- but he was not only a bad writer but a pretentious one. i would differ with spook about sallinger.


i was born too close to my feminine side so, for me, a great artist is one who 'moves' me. i find it hard to learn anything or enjoy a book if it appeals to just the head. i get text books for that. but there are some pretty cereblal(sorry bout spelling. and couldn't think of a different word) writers out there who do appeal to sides of me i never knew i had.


but i would say, in closing, you honour, that great writers are those who are bad sometimes, good most times and brilliant the one or two times they get. bad ones are those who are, well, bad the majority of times and abysmal the more times than one should.

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I like reading Barbara Erskine books. they are really good. She brings past and present together.


I am currently reading one of her books and am thinking of reading Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte its really good.


I think I am going to try and read all the Bronte sisters books.

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Birdman by Mo Hayder. I've just finished Tokyo which was pretty good/gory.

I have to say the author's photo on the inside cover always tends to put me off a bit. I tend to over-judge them as a writer, rather than suspending my disbelief and just getting into the story.

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