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Chequers Pub Coal Aston


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My goodness, seems that service to customers is fast becoming a thing of the past. I ahve worked in and run pubs and treated every customer like a precious commodity, sad thing is that some will just accept this awful service because it is 'value for money'. They believe they can get away with it because people will just accept and not vote with their feet.


I ahve done the latter and it may well not bother them but I will feel better for it.

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Not wanting to make myself unpopular but here goes.....


I agree with the comment about two for one pubs being bad. You get what you pay for. You pay £2.50 for a meal the you will invariably be eating it in greasy cafe standards, cooked (or prepared in a microwave) by minimum wage kids.


You should also have realised that the way The Chequers try to get round this is by charging a fortune for the drinks.


But finally, (and I might get hung for being a snob here but you sometimes have to tell it how you see it) I think the quality of any place is reflected in the people that go there. At 12 o'clock on a Sunday, you see them all pushing their prams up from Jordanthorpe, fags hanging off their bottom lips, blowing smoke in their kids faces, to The Chequesrs for their cheap Sunday lunch. And at 4 o'clock you see the same ones staggering back down the hill drunk. That is the kind of place The Chequers is - cheap food for those on the social.

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You get what you pay for :)

Try the peacock at owler bar :thumbsup:


The Peacock was pretty crappy last time I went, they got 2 out of 4 orders wrong, one plate had completely cold vegetables another had almost raw bacon.


Sent the lot back, and got very grumpy service from then on.

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I agree with Nick (it has to happen occaisionally!) the last time I went to the Peacock, the food was terrible, My mum's fish was raw inside and the kids meals were revolting - the pud's were excellent tho:thumbsup:

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Not wanting to make myself unpopular but here goes.....


I agree with the comment about two for one pubs being bad. You get what you pay for. You pay £2.50 for a meal the you will invariably be eating it in greasy cafe standards, cooked (or prepared in a microwave) by minimum wage kids.


You should also have realised that the way The Chequers try to get round this is by charging a fortune for the drinks.


But finally, (and I might get hung for being a snob here but you sometimes have to tell it how you see it) I think the quality of any place is reflected in the people that go there. At 12 o'clock on a Sunday, you see them all pushing their prams up from Jordanthorpe, fags hanging off their bottom lips, blowing smoke in their kids faces, to The Chequesrs for their cheap Sunday lunch. And at 4 o'clock you see the same ones staggering back down the hill drunk. That is the kind of place The Chequers is - cheap food for those on the social.


What a fantastic Post!! :thumbsup:


Not saying I agree with it all, but very controversial!! good stuff!

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been to chequers, aunt sally, hobby horse (chesterfield) and Storyteller (rotherham)


didn't think much to them.


about the worst experience we had was at aunt sallys, when the food was disgusting.


my ex ordered his mixed grill, and requested that his steak be prepared "blue-to-rare".


we ordered Chicken nuggets for the gd. :gag:


all the meat on his plate was cremated. Rare? i don't think so!!!


the chicken nuggets were rock hard, so hard that we could not even persuade the ex's steak knife to cut through them.


my meal was as vile, burnt to a cinder, and inedible.


when we approached a staff member we explained how bad the meal was, all we got was a


*Staff member shrugs* " And???"


I phoned the company's head office in Stoke, and complained.


the woman who dealt with my call said "what?? they didn't even offer you a refund, a replacement or even a free pudding??"


I was sent vouchers for a free meal. Only trouble was, it was redeemable back at Aunt sally's..we had vowed that it's be a hot day in a cold place before we went there again. *scowl*


So I asked that they re-send them, useable at another one of their restaurants. Which they did.



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Went there with the folks for an Xmas meal last December and it was great; large portions even my 6ft brother couldn't finish off! Evidently gone a bit downhill since. I work near the Aunt Sally , and went in there for lunch on my birthday in May, with 3 colleagues - admittedly only two of us planned to eat. Arrived at 1pm. After asking twice, my remaining colleague and I were served with our meals at 1.50. Good job we have flexible lunches. Anyway, I emailed a complaint to the Spirit Group. I got an apology but where were the freebie vouchers to encourage you to go there again???


The problem with Aunt Sally specifically is that they know they've got a captive audience of workers from the immediate vicinity who don't want to or haven't got time to go further afield. I've been to The Chequers twice and not had a bad experience - yet :suspect:

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Hi all


Sorry to pop back in with this one but thought I would give you an update on this event.


I have heard from the company and they have assured me that an investigation will take place and that they will inform me of the outcome.


Of course I dont expect much to come from it but if I have saved one pensioner or child or anyone for that matter from getting a 1st degree burn from this place then I am happy enough, I would rather not get a voucher as 1) I would never go back there and 2) they would probably spit in my dinner if I did ! haha


Just thought I would let you all know the latest, if your interested !


Kash x

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I'd just like to say that they're not all that bad the Ridgeways Arms is one of the old Spirt Two for One pubs, although they are now owned by punch taverns i believe, but anyway the food there is quite, in that it's still teh standard run of the mill food, eg scampi and fish and chips, but it always tastes alright, looks presentable and isn't burnt.


And the management there are great!!

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