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Roxy on Idsworth road


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  • 3 years later...
Used to go to the Roxy on Idsworth Road at Page Hall in me teens. There used to be a bouncer there who was very supple.

He could bend fully over backwards and pick up a handkerchief with his teeth. He wasn't a heavyweight bruiser, but he could sure sort the troublemakers out.

The market lads used to put in an appearance there regularly and it was like Yosser Hughes time as they like to use the nut in an argument.

There was a small balcony over the entrance to the dance hall and that is where you could get your refreshments.

We went down to the coffee bar on Owler Lane and down to the Firth Park Hotel for a couple of jars.

They said then that " Rock and roll is here to stay; and it sure is!"

Pity so many of the true greats had to die so young.


By the way the old Roxy building is still standing, but it's now a secondhand furniture emporium and it's character has long gone.

it was called pagehall when went thier thy was benches on the front 3 4 rows


Drugs were not on the scene then and you could walk the streets feeling completely safe, whatever the time of day or night.


I also saw Buddy Holly and the Crickets in person at the City Hall.

Duane Eddy and Eddie Cochran at the Gaumont and Gene Vincent(I think that was at the City Hall).

The world is now a different place (not all bad), but it's nice to look back and nostalgia will live forever.


Alanbro in a melancholy mood.


it was called page hall when i was a lad their was benches on the rows

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The dance school at the Roxy was run by Constance Grant. I went to the dance classes there along with quite a few of the young people from Hucklow Road School but also people from other areas. We had such good times, this would be about 1956 so who knows some us on here may have alread met there.


My favourite music was 60/70's and they are still played regularly at my house, also lots of them on my MP3 player. I don't thin k this music wil ever die.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A few of us would go to the Roxy, way back when cinemas first started showing movies on Sundays. I remember some shops across the tram tracks from the bottom of Idsworth Road, one of which sold motor bikes. Would I be right thinking it was owned by a guy called Bill Beevers, a TT champ? He used to have a racing machine in the window.

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  • 1 year later...
I used to go to the Roxy in the late 50's early 60's along with the Locarno on a Sunday night. I remember listening to Radio Luxenburg desperately hoping that the signal wouldn't fade when the new releases from America where played, after the musical diet of Ronny Hilton, Dickie Valentine, David Whitfield and the Billy Cotton Band Show, the excitement of listening to Roy Orbison, Rick Nelson, Buddy Holly and of course Elvis for the first time was something that I will never forget.


we used to go to the old roxy dance hall myselve and my wife 1953 ro 1958 except 1954-1956 army did you then

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it was shiregreen club


I think it was both. There is a scene outside The Roxy, where the would be strippers are talking to two women, telling them they will be doing the full monty. The last scene, where they strip, was Shiregreen WMC. Apologies if I am wrong.

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The doorway to the old Roxy building was definitely used for some of the outdoor scenes in The Full Monty, and Shiregreen W.M.C. was used for the interior shots.

I am a member of Firth Park W.M.C. which is just up the road from the Roxy. When they were about to start filming the Full Monty, there was a sign put up over the door of the old Roxy. It said Millthorpe W.M.C. ( I think that was what they called it, i'm sure someone will correct me if i'm wrong) Some of us who are members of Firth Park W.M.C. thought that there was a new club opening. It was only when they started filming that we realised what it really was.

Ironically, I actually did some of the security work on some of the other Full Monty locations.

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