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Ways to stop Rabbits from chewing wooden furniture


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Our rabbit Bobby is five months old (we're getting him neutered in a month) and has started to chew every piece of wood in the house. I'm simply not willing to lock him in a cage for the day and leave him there - there must be a natural way to keep him from chewing my furniture? :huh:


I don't want any chemical based products to keep him from doing this - We don't use chemicals in our food etc, so why make him ingest them if he keeps up his relentless chewing? Its not a nuisance as such, but I know we should stop these bad habits while he's still young.:)


Any help would be greatly appreciated. And as Bobby is a houserabbit, he doesn't go outside that often. He has chew toys (pieces of wood that have been dried, bits of undyed rope, recycled paper tubes, those kind of things) and is definately not doing this out of boredom or hunger, but could it just be because he's mischievous? (sp??)


Thanks in advance!

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Good luck!!! Our rabbit chews anything, especially wall paper! he has loads of chew toys but doesn't touch them. I ended up just getting him a larger cage and leaving him in when we are out so he doesn't destroy the whole house and we can keep an eye on him. Unfortuantly it is their natural instinct so without deterring them with something like a chemical (foul smelling!) theres not a lot you can do. However if someone does suggest something I would also be very appreciative.

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You could try white vinegar...


I don't know much about house bunnies but it's supposed to deter dogs and puppies from chewing things because of it's foul taste.


However, it also has a foul smell and Takara (our pup) loves it but you could always give it a try!


Sorry, I know you were looking for training ways but this may be of use...

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Thanks :D


She's a little star! You can always try the vinegar, if it doesn't work you could try the stuff they make for dogs, they make a bitter apple spray (dont' think we have any but I'll have a look for you) which doesn't smell but the animals don't like the taste of it.


I'm going to go and retrieve my shoe from Takara now ...

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My bro told me that animals hate orange and lemon peel and smell....try rubbing the furniture with that.



Well Bobby absolutely LOVES oranges! Lol

He eats them all the time.. well not all the time, but twice a week. And before anyone says it... no oranges are not bad for rabbits, as long as they are given in moderation, the same as any fruit. :P

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I've heard of people using both tobasco sauce! and olbas oil to deter house rabbits from chewing skirting boards! Just don't try Hendos, they will eat the skirting boards ;)


Fortunately in 10 years of house rabbit companionship we have not had a chewer.


In my experiance of being involved with house rabbits its younger rabbits which tend to nibble things, ours don't even bother with cables any longer.


Another way to deter bad behavior is a spray bottle filled with clean water, if he nibbles the skirting board, give hin a spray around his back / bottom (not in his face as you may hurt him).


Yet another way is a plastic container filled with dried pulses, give it a good noisy shake when he does wrong.


Good luck


PS please everyone with rabbits watch out for fly strike during the hot weather

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