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Motorcycles using bus lanes...

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Whilst on the subject of Bus Gates does anyone have any info as to when the council are going to pluck up courage and install the cameras on the Hillsborough bus gate or is it another of Labour's all talk and no do policies.


I'm the Council's project manager for bus lane enforcement cameras. We are working towards putting them in at Hillsborough later this year, probably November. There are quite a few technical issues to resolve, as no-one else has been able to do this outside London. The Government gave us powers to carry out bus lane enforcement quite recently, but there isn't yet any approved fixed / mobile camera equipment available, so the only way we can currently enforce is via operated CCTV cameras. Other Local Authorities across the country are doing the same thing, Manchester and Reading are launching their enforcement cameras in September.


We will be doing a lot of publicity work to warn people it is coming and will only issue warning notices for the first couple of weeks of operation.

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Good news for motorbikes i guess, but does it really matter? They never sit in traffic anyway ! They just go between the two lanes when was the last timey you saw a motorbike sat in a traffic jam? Not very often!

I have to do it regulary due to people looking in their mirrors, see me coming and then edging out to block me.


Also, itsnt the first time i've had someone open a door as im going past :rant:


Ok, sorry to sound thick, but seeing as we now have someone in authority looking at this - is it 100% legal for bikes to use bus lanes ?


I know im going on, but want to be sure instead of ending up at the side of the road arguing the toss with a traffic cop.

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When I rang Paul Fell, he said that the signs at Hillsborough will be updated very soon, as they are going to be putting up the cameras etc.


Maybe they are waiting until after Bradfield road is re-opened, as all the traffic is having to use the bus lane at present.


Apologies if I confused you on this, it was me you spoke to. You will be able to go through once we have changed the signing, which will be later this year.


It is our general intention to let motorcycles use bus gates wherever it is safe to allow it, but we need to change the signing to reflect that. we'll be doing that in a rolling programme.

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Ok, sorry to sound thick, but seeing as we now have someone in authority looking at this - is it 100% legal for bikes to use bus lanes ?


I know im going on, but want to be sure instead of ending up at the side of the road arguing the toss with a traffic cop.


I've asked the Traffic Regulaions Group for a definitiive statement:


Yes motorcycles are 100% legal to use BUS LANES at the moment. It is also our intention to let motorcycles also pass through bus gates unless there is some safety related reason why that shouldn't be the case.


However, we need to change the signing to allow this. So, until the signing is changed, you can't go through bus gates.


First one to be changed will be Hillsborough Corner, which will be done in the next few months, in conjunction with the introduction of bus lane enforcement cameras.

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Ah hi :)


So there are still bus gates in Sheffield then? as when I spoke to you on the phone you said they are all now termed as bus lanes and bus gates don't exist anymore?



I did state hillsborough corner as an example on the phone, and you stated that it was fine to go through on a motorbike now, even though there are no new signs






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Ah hi :)


So there are still bus gates in Sheffield then? as when I spoke to you on the phone you said they are all now termed as bus lanes and bus gates don't exist anymore?



I did state hillsborough corner as an example on the phone, and you stated that it was fine to go through on a motorbike now, even though there are no new signs







There have been lenghty discussions going on within the Council on what we should do with bus gates. As part of the bus lane enforcement work we're involved in, there has been some interesting debate about what essentially constitutes a bus gate. It's a bit complicated to explain here. Ring me back and I can try to explain!


Again apologies for the confusion. Alternatively if you PM me and let me have your email address I can send you a document which states what vehicles are permitted in bus lanes / gates.

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So if we get pulled going down bus lanes...we know who to quote :thumbsup:


Hee's the relevant stuff from the bus priority order, which is the legal document which governs who can use bus lanes in Sheffield :


Sheffield City Council Bus Priority Order

What are 'Permitted vehicles'?

'Permitted vehicles' are Buses, Taxis, Pedal Cycles, Motorcycles and "Authorised vehicles".

These terms are defined as follows:

'Bus' has the same meaning as in Regulation 22 of Section 3, Part I of The Traffic Signs and

General Directions 2002, which is: "a motor vehicle constructed or adapted to carry more than

8 passengers (exclusive of driver) and a local bus not so constructed or adapted".

'Taxi' has the same meaning as in Regulation 4 of Section 1, Part I of The Traffic Signs and

General Directions 2002, which is: "a vehicle licensed under the Town Police Clauses Act 1847".

'Pedal cycle' is as defined in The Sheffield City Council Bus Priority Order as: "a pedal bicycle or

pedal tricycle not in either case a mechanically propelled vehicle".

'Motorcycle' is as defined in The Sheffield City Council Bus Priority Order as: "a two-wheeled

vehicle propelled by mechanical power and not having a sidecar or trailer attached thereto".

'Authorised vehicles' is as defined in The Sheffield City Council Bus Priority Order as:

- Private Hire Vehicles with suitable side markings, as approved by Sheffield City

Council, operating under a licence issued by a Local Authority;

- vehicles with suitable side markings, as approved by Sheffield City Council,

carrying persons on behalf of the National Health Service for medical reasons; or

- vehicles with suitable side markings, as approved by Sheffield City Council, being

operated on behalf of a Local Authority for educational or care reasons.

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There have been lenghty discussions going on within the Council on what we should do with bus gates. As part of the bus lane enforcement work we're involved in, there has been some interesting debate about what essentially constitutes a bus gate. It's a bit complicated to explain here. Ring me back and I can try to explain!


Again apologies for the confusion. Alternatively if you PM me and let me have your email address I can send you a document which states what vehicles are permitted in bus lanes / gates.


PM sent :thumbsup:

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