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Malin Bridge I&J School 1982-1988

Guest Paul at S17

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In Malin Bridge there's probably an old photo from of Mr Pemberton from the Edwardian era looking exactly as he does now, as with Jack Nicholson in The Shining! He's eternal.


I'm trying to remember the car he drove when he taught me, I think it may have been an Opal. It looked very classy in those days. Each week when we went to the playing fields, he'd select a couple of pupils to go with him in the car. You'd feel very privileged to go with him.


The man knew how to keep order without being a tyrant. All the kids had enormous respect for him and no-one hardly ever misbehaved in his class.


Is it only recently that he retired? I seem to remember a colleague whose daughter was taught by him telling me that he had but I can't remember when it was.


Was he still into model trains and birdwatching when he taught you?

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Mr Pemberton was great, he taught me and drove a blue Renault for years!

"Miss" Haddon who will always remain that way was a huge RE teacher, who took great delight in poking kids with her chubby fingers and dunking their heads in the bin.

Mr Clarke was very old school and he would always go off on a tangent if you asked him a question.

Mr Porter always wore a naff suit which was covered in dandruff and ran the computer room next to his classroom.

Mrs Mills (nee Pickles) looked like something out of an Agatha Christie movie but was really nice.


Infant school...


Mrs Johnson, lovely woman and a great teacher

Mrs Stocker - had a broom in the classroon, was born on Halloween as was her daughter. beautiful, sexy, fit MILF! :)

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Heh heh! Whenever Clarkey would take our class, in order to avoid the lesson we used to conspire to get him to spend the entire lesson waffling by asking him questions. He used to ramble from one topic to another like a more surreal Eddie Izzard and whenever he ran out of steam we'd find another question to get him started again. What manipulative gits we were! He was a good bloke.


I don't recall Miss Haddon being quite that aggressive but she could be pretty stroppy and her 'Forest Whitaker' eye used to scare me. I remember once before one of the holidays she said that when we returned she would be married and told us how to spell her future name. When we returned she seemed to be especially harsh on us. I couldn't work out why she was acting so bitter until one of my friends pointed out to me that she was still Miss Haddon...D'oh!

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  • 2 months later...

does anyone remember mrs priestley/priest cant quite remember which name it was from the late 60s to early 70s,she used to shake me when she thought i wasnt listening to her,and when i went upto senior school i ended up in all the top classes,i was no brain of britain so after one term i was moved down to the middle form where i duly stayed,im sure she must have had a hand in me being put into the top form and it was her way of getting back at me

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I think this would be Stella Preece, who was indeed an excellent teacher; her daughter Margaret was in my class in 1955-59. Mrs Preece and Mr Hawley used to take 3A and 4A in alternate years. Lewis Hawley became headteacher after Frank Courage retired in about 1965. Stella Preece died aged 83 in September 2001.

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I think this would be Stella Preece, who was indeed an excellent teacher; her daughter Margaret was in my class in 1955-59. Mrs Preece and Mr Hawley used to take 3A and 4A in alternate years. Lewis Hawley became headteacher after Frank Courage retired in about 1965. Stella Preece died aged 83 in September 2001.


yes that will be her

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  • 1 year later...


Infant school...


Mrs Stocker - had a broom in the classroon, was born on Halloween as was her daughter. beautiful, sexy, fit MILF! :)


If my memory serves me right , she lived in Fulwood and her husband was a dentist :D


Last saw her in 1984/5 and yes she was a fit MILF :D

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