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Sheffield Kickboxing Show 15th September 2006

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haha.. chinney lynne this site wouldnt be the same without you. :)


Looking at some of the comments this C.lynne or what ever you call him has made, I will be very surprised if he really is a fighter as he has claimed. Arm chair observer more like it. Someone who squanders most of his life on forums and spends very little time actually training or fighting for that matter.


It would suprise me even more if he was above the age of 18 never mind 21 like in Cherry cake's case.


Yes Chinney does add an entertainment value to the forum but what it does not realise is that we are laughing at it and not with it.

However it tends to need the attention it can get as it cant get attention any other way.


Well lets be honest Chinney is not going to make a name for itself in the world of fighting in any way shape or form :hihi: Being physically inept has it's downfalls. LOL


Back to the topic,....




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Farhad Ali

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"Well lets be honest Chicken bin is not going to make a name for itself in the world of fighting in any way shape or form Being physically inept has it's downfalls. LOL "


Oh the irony :hihi:


Still refusing to post your own fight record are you? Hmmm, so that doesn't put you in a great position to question my own really. And you're right, i'm not willing to post my real details. But the amount of times i've seen you post the same under the name 'kickboxingidiot', laughable. Pot and kettle anyone?

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"Well lets be honest Chicken bin is not going to make a name for itself in the world of fighting in any way shape or form Being physically inept has it's downfalls. LOL "


Oh the irony :hihi:


Still refusing to post your own fight record are you? Hmmm, so that doesn't put you in a great position to question my own really. And you're right, i'm not willing to post my real details. But the amount of times i've seen you post the same under the name 'kickboxingidiot', laughable. Pot and kettle anyone?


You post your real details and I will consider posting my fight record for all the relevance this has to do with this thread. (i.e. none whatsoever)


Hey why not give me your weight, I can match you up with an AFK fighter and we will see how good you really are? Or even better with one of the Belarussian fighters?

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You post your real details and I will consider posting my fight record for all the relevance this has to do with this thread. (i.e. none whatsoever)


Hey why not give me your weight, I can match you up with an AFK fighter and we will see how good you really are? Or even better with one of the Belarussian fighters?


lol @ you having any of the Belarussian team on your show.


C'mon now..... if I wanted to hear someone talk out of their ar*e, i'd fart.

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Sorry I didn't reply to your post straight away Farhad, I've been away for a few days.


You mention in a more recent post that one of your fighters gets paid for his fight according to how many tickets he sells, that's ****e if you ask me.

A fighter trains and diets hard for 10 weeks, then has the stress of having to sell tickets to put together his own purse. What happens if by some chance a fighter cannot sell any tickets (i.e has no family, not many friends) are they made to fight for nothing or do you simply cancel their fight?

I've fought on professionally arranged shows all over the country, some organised by the man who's name you keep repeating although never once have I been told that my purse will be dependant on how many tickets I sell.

The fight purse is always discussed when the fight is arranged, yes I admit that their have been instances where promoters have tried to back pedal on the amount closer to the show due to tickets sales or whatever but this have never been a direct result of any fighter I know not having sold enough tickets.

To be frank as a fighter I don't really care if a promoter makes a lot of money from a show or not, all a fighter really cares about is that they are matched, their opponent turns up, they have a good fight and are rewarded justly with their purse.


Now I don't know Chinny Lynne at all and can see that at times their may be a fair bit of winding up being done (as their is on most threads on this forum to be honest), but think your comment of matching him/her up with a Belarus fighter is leaving yourself open for even more criticism.

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I've fought on professionally arranged shows all over the country, some organised by the man who's name you keep repeating


Thats our farhad, king of name dropping! I know this cos i've seen him reference people from my gym on forums like he knows them or something - ooooookay then.


Now I don't know Chinny Lynne at all and can see that at times their may be a fair bit of winding up being done (as their is on most threads on this forum to be honest), but think your comment of matching him/her up with a Belarus fighter is leaving yourself open for even more criticism.


Very good point, one which will have gone straight over the King of Sheffield kickboxing's head. I already mentioned this once before the last time he made the same stupid comment - he knows my record, yet is trying to match me with a dangerous fighter. What a clown, eh?

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