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Sheffield Kickboxing Show 15th September 2006

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yeah, how comes you are not fighting?


Why am I not fighting???


I cant fight on my own show


If I was busy training for fights do you think I'd have time to be organising these events or reffing,...etc?


I guess its either one or the other.


When I was fighting I still had time to coach my own fighters and run my clubs etc,...

Nowadays my time is totally taken up. I teach something like 12-15 classes of kickboxing a week. I am always involved in the "backstage" of events such as this. Match making, refereeing, judging and now promoting. It would be pointless now to take a step backwards and go back to fighting. No thanks Im perfectly happy where I am.

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Wouldn't have thought it was a full time job as I believe Farhad is a teacher by profession, although would more than think it would feel like a full time job and bring with it all the headaches at times.


I understand your problem, don't think you can fully commit to fighting and be an instructor, coach and promoter all for the same show.

Just wondered if you were thinking of fighting in the future or if you'd called it a day on that level?

Wouldn't have thought it would be a backwards step as promoting and reffing isn't the natural progression for a fighter is it, more of a different playing field.

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ha ha ha, fair do's! - didn't think it was a stupid question though to someone who kickboxes!


Is the club a full time job for you then?


Getting there. LOL

Hmm stupid question. Yes it was :P LOL . You dont see promoters fighting on their own shows very often. If you asked Simon Marsden why he isnt fighting anymore he will give the same answer.

No worries youre new to the game anyway. As it is though I spar regularly with all my fighters even the bigger ones and still train (not to the same intensity that I used to when I was fighting mind you) in the fighters classes. But there are times when I have to leave my own training behind to make sure that some of the fighters arent slacking off. If I jump onto the pads and train like everyone else, some of the fighters dont give as much as they would if I was watching them


In response to Stussonicos. My work load has increased so much these days with all the work I do in kickboxing that I have reduced my school teaching to like 2-3 days per week. As far as natural progession, I'd say that when a fighter is finished, they should want to "give back" to the sport and take more of an official role. I have no plans to fight even though Paul Sutton keeps making little suggestions.


Now I will never say "never again". Paul Sutton has a couple of projects in the pipeline which I may take up if I have the time (or if I could be bothered).

One of which included fighting a Brazilian fighter and another one included fighting in Spain where he has been establishing links lately.


Paul Sutton is the one who trained Steve Logan from K Star (the late Big daddys former tag team wrestling partner and also former WMTO Cruiserweight champion).

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Julian, Scott & Alex will win. - dunno about other one!


Julian will win? Have you seen Hamza "JET LI" fight?


Scott , the fight will depend on how Scott plays the game. You saw what happened last time. Hopefully Scott will keep the fight at Boxing range and wont try and clinch with him too much.


Alex is a machine End of! Alex will simply steam roll the other guy. Mind you, if it is Mike Gray (who he fought MMA against in Doncaster), then dont forget that Mike caused Alex problems with his teeth last time! (what do you expect with 4 OZ gloves anyway :P). If Mike Gray is not available then he will be fighting a Polish fighter (who is meant to be a machine too).


Max Ellis is a world class points fighter but Adrian assures me that he can Bang too. I have heard that he is built like a brick****house as well beign only 5'6" tall and 5'6" wide at the weight of 79kg. Max faces the current BCCMA Kung Fu champion. It will be interesting to see how the standards compare.

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Getting there. LOL

Hmm stupid question. Yes it was :P LOL . You dont see promoters fighting on their own shows very often. If you asked Simon Marsden why he isnt fighting anymore he will give the same answer.

No worries youre new to the game anyway. As it is though I spar regularly with all my fighters even the bigger ones and still train (not to the same intensity that I used to when I was fighting mind you) in the fighters classes. But there are times when I have to leave my own training behind to make sure that some of the fighters arent slacking off. If I jump onto the pads and train like everyone else, some of the fighters dont give as much as they would if I was watching them


In response to Stussonicos. My work load has increased so much these days with all the work I do in kickboxing that I have reduced my school teaching to like 2-3 days per week. As far as natural progession, I'd say that when a fighter is finished, they should want to "give back" to the sport and take more of an official role. I have no plans to fight even though Paul Sutton keeps making little suggestions.


Now I will never say "never again". Paul Sutton has a couple of projects in the pipeline which I may take up if I have the time (or if I could be bothered).

One of which included fighting a Brazilian fighter and another one included fighting in Spain where he has been establishing links lately.


Paul Sutton is the one who trained Steve Logan from K Star (the late Big daddys former tag team wrestling partner and also former WMTO Cruiserweight champion).



Classic, absolutely classic!!

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